Decided to stopby the food court and get my favourite dessert. Yes,it's the cheng tang. Sipping the cheng tang, immediately refreshed my throat. Plus generous of longan, bailey,bai mu er,a few hong zao and ah gar ah gar strips into the dessert. It's not that sweet and suitable for the health conscious. By the way, I had it hot and really can quest my thirst. Must give it a try )
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Was at Hougang Mall doing some last minute shopping and decided to have some dessert since the food court was not crowded. I wanted something easy to eat and not so heaty stuff so Cheng Teng will be the best as it is considered to have cooling element. I had the hot version as I always find it nicer. The cheng teng was quite full of ingredients as you can see from the photos. It was quite sweet but I can accept the level of sweetness. Some of the ingredients were very crunchy and when you have all the ingredients in your mouth, each and every one of them create a different texture and taste. Delicious.
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