About Us

Skin Repair is the place for your true mental, physical and spiritual healing. Here you can enjoy the luxury of quality time for yourself.

Customized treatment facials are specially formulated in-house with the use of high technology equipment and premium products to cater to the special needs of your skin.

Our professional team will listen, examine, and analyze your skin and your needs and, recommend a suitable programme and carry out the treatment for yours skin.

This place is a scam. they make you purchase a new product/package each time you go and in all honesty, they do not help at all. The service provided is extremely horrible and the staff are not helpful. All they care about is ripping money off you. Please don't ever fall prey to their sales tactics. It is not worth your money.
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19 Aug 2015 22:20:27
Orchard Hotel #02-15, 442 Orchard Road 238879
Tel 6733 0215,6733 9942
Forum The Shopping Mall #11-03, 583 Orchard Road 238884
Tel 6733 0215
HDB Queenstown #01-87, 42 Holland Drive 270042
Tel 6777 1221
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