About Us
Qabeelat Itqaan is the Singapore branch of AlMaghrib Institute. PERFECTING our words, actions, DEEN
AlMaghrib Institute was established in 2002 in Canada as a non-profit organisation aimed at providing sound Islamic knowledge by qualified and credible teachers.

AlMaghrib is now the leading Islamic institute in the West, teaching premiere Islamic education to various communities.
The AlMaghrib Institute model has been replicated and established in multi-branches in the US, Canada, UK (& Scotland too!) and most recently, Malaysia. Over 33,000 students have benefited from Al-Maghrib, masha'Allah.

Amongst some of their prolific trainers are Muhammad Al-Shareef, Yasir Qadhi, Dr Reda Bedeir from Al-Azhar, Sheikh Waleed Basyouni and Sheikh Abdullah Hakim Quick who delivered a series of lectures in Singapore not too long ago.
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