Is more withdrawn or more difficult to comfort than other children
Is more interested in looking at objects than people's faces
When eating has sensitivity to different textures OR difficulty chewing or swallowing
Lacks interest in toys or typically plays with them in an unusual way (e.g. lining up, spinning, opening / closing parts rather than using the toy as a whole)
Shows an intense interest in letters or numbers to the exclusion of a more typical way of interacting with an object (e.g. focusing on the words rather than the pictures in a book, or on the letters written on an toy vs. the toy itself)
Performs activities in a special way / certain order and may have a temper tantrum if this activity is interrupted
Moves his / her fingers, hands or body in an odd or repetitive way
Echoes other people's phrases or sentences (e.g. parent say "Put on your shoes" child responds "Put on your shoes")
Talks in whole phrases or scripts from TV shows or books when these do not seem relevant to the situation
STUTTERS: Parents report child "stutters" using repetitions of words (e.g. "I I I" or syllables (e.g. "dadadaddy"), sound prolongations(e.g. mmmommmy) or blocks (e.g. "b---all"))
Has an unusual voice quality (e.g. nasal, hoarse, breathy)