If you have alot of debt, or even a little, and are paying outrageous interest or any interest for that matter, you may want to apply for a new credit card with 0% interest on balance transfers. This is a very simple procedure that many people now use to avoid paying interest on their debt. There are numerous credit cards available that allow to transfer balances and receive an introductory rate of 0%, usually for 12 months, on any balance transfers.
In fact, many people apply for a new card about six to eight weeks before their their current offer ends. They then transfer any remaining balance to the new credit card and again receive 0% interest. This cycle can go on until the debt is paid off without having to pay huge interest rates. This process can save thousands of dollars a year, and help you to pay off your balances are a much faster rate.
If you are interested in applying for a credit card that offers 0% interest on balance transfers, you can do online and be approved instantly. The advantage of applying online is that many sites let you compare different credit cards to find out which one is best for you. Please take your time and compare some of the benefits of each card, some even offer 0% on purchases.
This strategy will help you in your debt consolidation efforts and is the best way I know to cut interest paid out each month. If you are looking to apply online, you may compare cards by visiting my website at http://augyz.ecreditdirectory.com and clicking on the balance transfer cards option.
This site offers over 100 different credit cards with a wide range of interest and rewards options.
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0 Apr On Balance Transfers
Though it should not be considered lightly, using a 0 interest balance transfer, which is paying off the amount owed on one credit card with a different credit card, can be something to take into consideration. Up to recently a balance transfer could be done without a balance fee. Now credit card companies are charging as much as 3%.
0 interest balance transfers are normally for 6-12 months. A high balance can result in having years of credit card debt for many people. Once introductory rates expire, interest rates can go rather high in the next few years. It is not unusual for people to discover that they are now paying up to 25% on the original balance.
If you have credit cards with high interest rates, finding a credit card company that has lower fixed rates is something you may want to take into consideration. By transferring high interest credit card balances to a card with lower interest rates, you can get those debts paid off at once and have a monthly payment that is lower.
To determine if this is a good solution for you, get a calculator and all the relevant paperwork and figure out what your monthly payments are each month with your current credit cards, being sure to estimate any interest rate hikes. Then calculate what your payments would be after transferring those balances to a o interest rate credit card. These calculations may be a bit time consuming but can help you find the best solution.
Be cautious when looking at credit card offers. Some companies are known to offer easy o balance transfers with generous grace periods and extremely low payments as a come-on to get new customers. If your debt is nearly paid off or if you know you will be getting a large amount of money before the grace period is over, you might think about this. But be sure you know whether the payment will go up and by how much once the grace period expires.
Another thing to check into are any penalties, withdrawal fees or termination of service fees you might have to pay. This needs to be calculated into the picture, too.
Knowing everything you possibly can about your credit card accounts is the most useful weapon you can possess. You need to know where all your money is going each month. Call the credit card company you are thinking transferring balances to and consult with one of their representatives before you make a commitment so you know whether it is the best thing to do or not. A good representative will assist you in mapping out your payments to see how this will work out for you in the long run.
A balance transfer can be a way to make getting out of debt faster. But you need to be mindful of everything involved in the process and keep track of your rates every month. If this is manageable for you, a balance transfer could be a good way for you to get your debts paid off and become financially solvent again. Hopefully a no balance fee will be available again in the not to distant future.
Both Michael Agostino & are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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