If you are a BlackBerry user, you are already aware that BlackBerry is the best smartphone for multi-tasking, running several apps at once and of course it has a longer battery life than any other smartphone. This 4 part article is designed to discuss the applications needed for your BlackBerry smartphone to work at its peak performance. Each application is a program designed for each desired task. I have compiled a list of what I think are the most important and the most entertaining apps you will want for your BlackBerry. Part 1 will discuss the program ‘boosters' for optimum BlackBerry usage. Part 2 discusses shopping and communication apps. For part 3, social networking and music, and finally the 4th part talks about information and GPS applications.
BlackBerry Boosters
Bolt Beta – This free app is a browser booster. It helps to load pages quickly and accurately. It uses similar shortcuts to the OperaMini to scroll, zoom and navigate web pages.
Data Viz Documents to Go Premium – This app's price is $69.99. It is a full version of Documents to Go, which lets you create and edit office documents. You can follow up on changes in Word files, add comments and info to spreadsheets, and use the always useful spell check and fonts.
BlackBerry Messenger – This is a free proprietary Instant Messenger application included on most new model BlackBerry smart phones. If you have an older BlackBerry you may want to download this app to stay in contact with your other BlackBerry friends without being charged for text messaging from your provider. BlackBerry Messenger uses a Blackberry OS PIN to send messages.
Palringo – This is a free muti-platform instant messenger service app. This app will allow you to chat with all of your social networking sites such as Facebook, IChat, Myspace, etc. A bonus with this application is you can find the location of the person you are chatting with in real-time.
Web Messenger – This is an instant messenger service application which helps you to chat with friends whether they are on AOL, Google, ICQ, Jabber, Skype, Yahoo and MSN. It also imports your contact list from any of those IM customers, you can set your status, and chat as long as you like.
Vlingo – If you haven't heard of this one you will surely thank me, because this is the most popular voice activation application in the world. You can control everything on your BlackBerry from the power of your voice. Speak into your Smartphone to send an email or text message, search the web, call a friend, update your social sites, all this without lifting a finger.
Viigo – Viigo is touted as the best mobile RSS reader application ever. It allows you to add any web site with a RSS feed, or even choose from many feeds offered by Viigo. Categories include popular blogs, entertainment, news and financial feeds. Feeds are updated every thirty minutes, and if you want you can refresh the channel manually to get the very latest news.
Grid Magic/Community Edition – This was formerly Maniacal. This free app is an advanced spreadsheet application which is designed and developed to optimize specifically for BlackBerry smart phones. You can run complex calculations; organize information into tables and graphs, as well as the usual spreadsheet functions such as select row or column and copy and paste.
BBNotePad – This a free app for BlackBerry used for editing and creating text files on your SD card or memory.
BBScreenShooter – This is a very useful free app. It is a small tool which will capture the current screen on your BlackBerry. You won't know the value of this app until you need it, it may prove priceless.
Pocket Mac for BlackBerry – This free app lets you sync up your Mac and BlackBerry smartphone. You can sync up your addresses, calendar, notes and email.
1 4 Male Connector
Generally, anyone who has a venture that is “doing business" online will operate in a manner that will fall into one of two categories
First option is that they will be involved in some kind of “virtual" business, in which all (or almost all) transactions, advertising and so on will take place online. As is often advertised as an asset of such a business, there will be no physical office or shop premises, no inventory to store or deliver and so on.
Indeed, and probably most confusingly, there sometimes appears to be a lack of “product" at all!
This is quite common where, for example, the “product" is some kind of online marketing system, which is marketed and sold online using, well, itself!
In other words, you are sold a marketing system by a marketing system (thus proving that it works!) and then you sell the very same system to someone else, and so on.
It’s a bit of a cliché, but nevertheless true, that things change online very quickly. If you or I have an idea, we can have it out there in the online marketplace tomorrow, if we choose to do so.
Thus, although it can seem odd to buy something as intangible as a marketing system, it can still be of great value, as it has the potential to bring the latest and newest ideas to your PC in an instant.
Informational products represent another example of almost totally intangible products that nevertheless sell well on the internet. Examples might be a “how to" website on, let’s say, crochet or whitewater rafting or website design or the best way of making a chocolate cake. All are totally intangible, but still in huge demand, which means that they are very profitable as well!
More information about the simplest method of creating such products for profit can be found at my site http://www.hiddentrafficgenerator.com/short.html.
Still with it? Good!
Now, the other type of business will be a “real world" business that probably sells a real tangible product, something that you can touch, smell, see. It could be widgets, Jumbo jets, hairnets, submarines, whatever and the business in question has probably used the power of the net to expand the original localized marketing efforts to go world wide.
They still market “offline" locally and their online efforts are an adjunct to these efforts, not a replacement.
This very broad sweep would probably cover 95% of business that takes place on or through the internet every day.
Yet, even coming from two such widely separated poles, both models of business rely on content to be, or not to be, successful.
So, what exactly is content?
Content – A Definition (or two!)
As suggested by this title, there’s effectively two different ways that you could define “content".
One way would be to try to establish exactly what it is, so let’s try that first.
Content is “stuff"! It’s the “stuff" that you see every day on the internet…
Now, clearly that’s not really a great deal of help.
It’s an indication rather than a definition.
Trouble is that, in these terms, it’s not at all easy to establish anything that is anywhere concise enough to be a definition, so let’s move on to definition method two, which is in fact a good deal more helpful.
This is, what does “content" do, and, as we shall see, the answer to this goes a long way to clearing up the ambiguity created by our “stuff" definition.
Content is whatever you have on your website that gives your visitor or customer the information that they are looking or when they come to our site.
So, it can be factual information, like a product description, a catalogue or pricing information for the Jumbo jet that you are selling.
It can be less factual and more of an opinion, such as a learned discourse of where mankind is going over the next 500 years.
It can be an article such as this one, part factual and part opinion.
Nor is “content" only written, and increasingly, online audio and video are becoming ever more prominent on the net.
To summarize, content is whatever information you have on your website about your business and products, in whatever form this information takes.
Content is what makes visitors come to your site, it is what drives “traffic" to your homepage. In turn, content and the driven traffic it creates is what makes your business money, it is the engine behind every single cent of profit that you earn online.
Which makes content kind of important, I am sure you will agree…..
Coming in part 2, where to find and how to create great content.
Both Pat Munro & Steve Cowan are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Pat Munro has sinced written about articles on various topics from Blackberry Review, Network Marketing and Arts. Get the most out of your Blackberry Smartphone Tom Harris Cellular are BC's. Pat Munro's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Pat Munro to your Favourites.
Steve Cowan has sinced written about articles on various topics from Blackberry Review, Auto Insurance and Fitness. Steve Cowan is an Asia based businessman and writer,and inventor of the unique traffic and content generation system Hidden Traffic Generator (http://www.hiddentrafficgenerator.com). Steve Cowan's top article generates over 2900 views. Bookmark Steve Cowan to your Favourites.
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