1. Savings. One of the first benefits we look at is savings. People use Ebay on a daily basis saving as much as 75% or more off retail prices on new merchandise! Nowhere else on earth, can you go, and save that much money on brand new merchandise. You may wonder where it all comes from. Primarily, it comes from overstock and overruns. Overstock happens when a store purchases too much of an item. They sell it so they can at least recoup some of the money they have invested. Overruns are from the factory. Say a store orders a million widgets. Typically a manufacturer will run a certain percentage over in case of subsequent orders. If it's not purchased, then the company will liquidate it so it can recover the money it has invested in manufacturing.
2. Market. With Ebay you have access to a worldwide market that most businesses, unless they have some sort of internet presence, do not have. While it is a competitive marketplace, if you're very careful, you can make a very comfortable living. On the other side of the coin, if you are a buyer, there are a great many deals to be had simply by searching!
3. Convenience. This is one of the top 10 benefits of registering for an Ebay account because it allows people to shop, at times when local businesses may be closed. Further adding to that convenience, is home delivery. You don't have to lug heavy packages around.
4. Variety. Everything you can imagine, in one shopping location. Can you name one brick and mortar store that has at least one of every single product ever produced and put out for sale? Ebay is the only one that I know of!
5. Fees. If you are a buyer, there are no fees. Some sites, though they are becoming fewer, will charge a buyers premium for anything you buy through their site. If you are a seller, the fees are reasonable. No where else can you reach the amount of traffic possible at Ebay for the money paid.
6. Buy It Now. You've searched all over. You can't find that widget, and you just have to have it. You know someone else has it and they don't want it. So, how do you connect with them? Easy. Simply use wants it now. A buyer may omit something from listing because he or she may feel that no one could possibly want that. Lo and behold, they look in the want it now listings and they find you! A match has been made!
7. Reviews. As a buyer you can write a review of the widget you bought. You can do this as a seller as well. You can also write guides on how to use a particular product or service. This is open, as stated, to buyers and sellers.
8. Level Playing Field. Ebay offers a level playing field to both buyers and sellers offering everyone an equal opportunity at selling or purchasing almost anything, as long as it's legal.
9. Paypal Integration. Ebay offers a solution of Paypal being integrated into its auctions, making it easier for the buyer to pay, and the seller to be paid.
10. Ebay Workshops. Offering different workshops to buyers and sellers, it gives users an opportunity to learn how Ebay works, and to learn which products are producing profits in the case of a seller.
Ronnie Bredahl has sinced written about articles on various topics from Real Estate, Sell Home and Education. As an active eBay member for years, Austin real estate broker Ronnie Bredahl has helped hundreds of people realize the opportunity eBay provides its member. Ronnie Bredahl's top article generates over 3600 views. Bookmark Ronnie Bredahl to your Favourites.
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