#1 Make your party standout with great music. One idea is to ask each person attending your party to tell you their favorite new song and make a mix CD or a playlist on your mp3 player or computer!
#2 Smells like party time! Make sure you use a fragrance or light candles. It’s amazing what a difference the scent in the air will make, in terms of creating an inviting and welcoming atmosphere!
#3 Set up a drink bar! If you don't have a real bar, set up a long table with assorted drinks and have yourself or someone that is helping you prepare the party play bartender! If it's not an adult beverage party, make punch in a decorative punch bowl with matching glasses or cups!
#4 Lighting is so important! Make sure to set the mood! Depending on whether you're creating a classy atmosphere or a night on the town type of feeling, you can try anything from dim indirect lighting and candles all the way to rope lighting and colored light bulbs (black lights can be fun too!).
#5 Speaking of black lights, try glow in the dark drinking glasses, anything bright, neon or white, and glow in the dark necklaces. If it's a wild party, you might even bring out the glow sticks!
#6 Tablecloths are a must! Not only do they make it look like you put some thought into your decor, it also protects your furniture 'just in case.' If the tablecloths are made of fabric, make sure to iron out the wrinkles (check the label for care instructions!).
#7 Snack time! No party is complete without an array of snacks. A bowl of pretzels, chips and salsa, cheese and crackers, and a vegetable tray are obvious. Get creative, though-if you dare!
#8 Dress to impress. Make sure you dress in nice clothing that is practical so you can have fun and look great. Inform your guests of how formal or informal the party will be (such as whether jeans will be appropriate).
#9 Don't over-think or overspend. Remember: a party is only as great as the people who are there!
#10 Invite more people than you think will show up! If you want 10 people to come, invite at least 15 or 20!
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