1. Meal. Reduce the diet. It is considered, that it is necessary to eat 2500 calories a day. And you eat no more than 1500. Then cages of your organism will be faster updated. In addition illnesses will cease to cling to you.
2. The menu. At each age the products are necessary. If you still do not have thirty - eat a liver and any nuts. Then wrinkles will appear later. It was executed forty? Carrots are simply necessary for you. And men should eat cheese and kidneys of animals - they will supply an organism with selenium. Fifty? Then calcium and magnesium are necessary to you. Eat cottage cheese and fish.
3. Work. You like your work? It is good, if yes. But in second half of life it is better to replace it. To youth preservation creative trades are considered as the most useful.
4. Love. This best means to remain young. The love condition forces an organism to develop a hormone endorphin, strengthening immunity. The loneliness is a way by an old age!
5. Movement. To prolong the youth, ten minutes daily devote to physical exercises. When you load an organism, it starts to develop growth hormones. Especially it is important for those to whom more than twenty five years.
6. Activity. Not be passive! Try to influence the life actively. So you will avoid depressions and stresses which reduce a life and force to grow old ahead of time.
7. A cold. The cold keeps not only products - it keeps also a youth! It does not mean, that it is necessary to live in a refrigerator. And here to sleep in a cool room it is necessary. The temperature in a bedroom should not be above 18 degrees.
8. Pleasures. It is impossible to limit itself constantly. It is necessary to conduct a healthy way of life, to eat useful products. But sometimes it is possible to afford and a wine-glass of good wine, and even a cake. Constant restrictions give rise to stress.
9. Emotions. Strong emotions - the enemy of a youth. But also to suppress them it is impossible. Do not hold in itself insult, anger. Be released from them!
10. A brain. Than more you work as a head - longer it it will be good to that to think! Solve crossword puzzles, puzzles, charades. It is very useful to learn foreign languages. Help children and grandsons to learn lessons. All it prolongs a youth of your brain.
10 Rules Of Netiquette
As helpful as e-mail is, however, we need to follow certain rules:
1. Don???t use all caps when writing. It???s the equivalent of shouting in the cyber world, and it???s difficult for our eyes to read.
2. Conversely, capitalize words when appropriate. Using all lower case shows disrespect and sloppiness.
3. Use a subject line that???s pertinent to your e-mail. ???Question on Line 81 of Budget??? or ???Marketing Meeting Set for January 17??? subject lines catch the eye more easily and are easier to find at a later date.
4. Instead of indenting paragraphs, use two hard returns between them to make it easier to read. Reading on a computer screen is different from reading print.
5. Number multiple action items. If an e-mail has four things numbered from 1-4, it???s much easier to see what you need. It???s also less likely that something will get forgotten or missed.
6. When replying to an e-mail, include only the information you???re referring to, and write your response underneath. That way, it???s much easier to follow the trail of the conversation than getting an e-mail back three days later with ???That???s fine.???
7. Remember e-mail isn???t 100% fail-safe. If you don???t receive a reply to an e-mail, don???t assume the person is ignoring you. With technology glitches and spam filters, e-mail doesn???t always make it to its destination.
8. Never write in an e-mail what you wouldn???t say in a letter or a direct conversation. It???s not anonymous or confidential.
9. Don???t write an e-mail when you???re angry or frustrated. Feel free to compose what you want to say to vent off some steam, but beware the SEND button. Better yet, write what you want to say in Word, save the document, and revisit it the next day when you???ve had a chance to cool off.
10. E-mail isn???t the cure-all for every situation. Sometimes you actually have to pick up the phone or walk down the hall and have a conversation, especially if the matter is controversial.
Both Infozilla & Ben Needles are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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