The reason I suggest starting there is that if you visit Squidoo's website, you can do a free search for various topics - anything under the sun - and find short web pages with brief overviews of what you are looking for, and do this all for free.
It is like a mini search engine really where you can find information on the latest and greatest celebrity news, or new ways to make money online. You can even find information about future events, launches, and promotions. If you can't find what you're looking for, you can always start your own lens on the topic that interests you.
What is a lens you ask? When you look through a microscope, you get a magnified image of a mass of cells for example. When you look at a lens on Squidoo, you are looking at a magnified image of someone's topic, all concentrated together in a single web page.
It's free and incredibly easy to set up a lens on Squidoo. You don't have to know any HTML - they do it all for you, and your lens can be set up within minutes, after which you will quickly discover how easy it is to get traffic via Squidoo.
If you are searching for ways to make money online, you can do it with Squidoo. Not only can you search for information you want, but you can create a lens and promote your own products and services - either your own products or someone else's through affiliate links. If you already have a website, you can link your lens to your website for additional traffic.
There are a few ways to make money online with Squidoo. Not only can you promote your own or other people's products, but you basically get your own site setup by Squidoo that already comes with Google Adsense ads on it. You don't need to do anything other than take a few minutes to create a lens, and you could be earning extra money through Adsense!
Another way to make money online with Squidoo is to use the "modules" they provide you when you set up your lens. At a first glance you may not understand how the system works. You are free to delete modules they provide, such as their eBay module, and their module. Why would you want those?
I wondered the same thing, until I found out that you can carefully choose keywords for your Squidoo lens, type them into the eBay module they provide, and see what products come up for auction at eBay. Once you've done that, Squidoo kindly updates your eBay auction list every 6 hours, and you have the opportunity to make money online if anyone clicks those eBay links that are linked to your lens!
It's not a greedy system either. You have the option of donating all, or portions of what you make by people clicking the ready-made links on your Squidoo lens to charity! There is a growing list of charities to which the money can be donated too, so this is a fabulous system for giving something back.
Heck, you can even decide not to donate to charity and pocket the cash yourself through your PayPal account for additional extra income in your pocket!
With Squidoo, it's easy to rise in the search engine ranks, particularly Google. If you create a lens and share it with others, and get your friends or other Squidoo group members to add your lens to their favourites list, and rank your lens, you will achieve a high lens rank quickly. The higher the rank, the more potential there is to make money online because others will find your lens quicker.
As you can see, Squidoo offers ways to make money online by providing an almost ready-made portal to promote your products and services, to promote other people's products and services, to share information, rise in the ranks, and make money from Adsense and online auctions. You can't beat this method, especially because it's free!
100 Ways To Make Money
How can you go about being apart of this online income? All you have to do is take advantage of the many Work at Home or Home Based Business programs available to anyone desiring to work from home using the spare time they have. Some of the programs teach you how to make money when you are not even present. How nice would it be to be getting paid while you are sleeping or on vacation?
What types of online jobs are there to choose from? Here are a few examples:
Process Rebates
Order Processing
Data Entry
Medical Transcription
Chat Room Operators
Type at Home
Paid Surveys
Phone Operators
Affiliate Marketing
Network Marketing
While these are just a few of the types of programs available for you to choose from, it gives you idea of the types of choices available to you. For example many people are simply giving their opinions to some major manufactures by answering surveys and getting paid for it.
Be open to new ways of creating income. The Internet has allowed access to millions of people World Wide so anyone around the world has a chance to earn money online.
You may also have a desire to own a Home Based Business such as an Online Jewelry Store or web based Dollar Store. Think about it you won't have to have employees and the overhead associated with them, inventories or any of the other costs associated with a traditional business. You can see why many of the major manufacturers are turning more and more to their web based business. They can offer products and services for less, because of the minimal expense associated with their online business. They can sell for less, make more and their customers remain loyal to them. This is just a couple of the many home based businesses available to you.
Make sure that you that you use a website that has done some level of research for you so you will have a better chance of getting involved with the best online opportunities. Once you have found a site like mine, but not necessarily mine than you can further filter out the programs they offer a depending on your work at home profile.
My suggestion is to join 2 - 3 programs so that you give yourself the best chance for success. Once you have received all of the information and worked them for a while you will know which ones you wish to continue with and focus on those. Many people work more than one program. Remember it's just like anything in life, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. Please feel free to read both this article or one of my many others by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.
Take your time and enjoy your work at home income.
Both Liane Bate & Michael Comeau are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Michael Comeau has sinced written about articles on various topics from Work From Home, Make Money Online and Jewelry. Michael Comeau has been owner of many successful businesses over the years including his current online business which can be viewed at htt. Michael Comeau's top article generates over 246000 views. Bookmark Michael Comeau to your Favourites.
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