Immortality has long been the quest of humans. In the religious and spiritual sense, immortality is essentially belief in spirit, soul, rebirth, or continuation of some aspect of the human beyond the present existence of the human being. Philosophy and Theology have been active proponents of immortality that science too has added this doctrine in its quest and has given rise to varied scientific pursuits. Scientific advances have only spurred to urge in human longetivity. Stem Cell research, Cryogenics and many other branches have contributed to the vision of a long-long future of the individual.
Yet human frailty is best exhibited by the aging process. Grey hair and skin wrinkles are the first signs of age catching up on you. A closer look at the process of growth shows that cell division slows down and hence the functioning capacity of various organs. Aging is not a disease but a decreasing capacity for adaptation to the environment around. Researches on the anti aging process have resulted in quite a few discoveries and remedies. All are partially responsible and none can claim comprehensive proof to reverse the aging process completely. Some of them are outlined below.
Anti Aging
•Natural human growth is aided by the Human Growth Hormone which decreases once we reach adulthood. The absence of human growth hormone in children remain cause them to remain short in stature. Anti Aging therapy would be taking small doses of this hormone to continue the growth process and reverse aging.
•Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain to regulate sleep. Some anti aging therapies have been proposing doses of this to reverse the aging process.
•DHEA is another hormone that is essential for the estrogen and testosterone the sex hormones. Declining levels of the sex hormones have said to contribute to the aging process in males and females. It is more noticeable in females after menopause. HRT-Hormone Replacement Therapy, an anti aging therapy suggests replenishing the body with these hormones to reverse the aging process (Estrogen therapy for women and testosterone therapy for men).
•Anti-oxidants are available in fruits and vegetables and also in the form of supplements. These are taken to reduce the free radicals in the body that contribute to the damage of cells. This reverses the aging process caused due to free radical in the body.
•Herbal and natural remedies are promoted for anti aging remedies. Many Anti aging physicians prescribe Ginseng, coral calcium, Echinacea and other supplements as cure to the aging process.
It is simple that many processes have been outlined above in the anti-aging fight. Each process targets only once aspect of the aging process. Any therapy has to consider the treatment of the body as a holistic unit and not look at it through particular aspects. Anti- aging therapies have resulted in complications like excessive dosage and supplements taken that have caused more harm than good. Natural remedies give the notion of being harmless when many are not. Thought is necessary and so I highlight tobacco, opium and cocaine as natural plants which the world is struggling to eradicate due to drug addiction problems. Fore thought is necessary for any remedy and that is the essence to any therapy you want to choose.
Anti Aging Tips
Our Ancestors have lived long healthy lives. What ails us that we live shorter? Pesticides, inorganic farming and preservative processes along with pollution have contributed in the downfall of human health and age. Fast foods hasten our journey to the grave and yet we eat them and then pop a few anti-aging pills. Hypocrisy is our vice and getting rid of it may help. Keeping yourself healthy is the best bet to a long life.
•Eat a varied diet with plenty of organic fruits and vegetables.
•Maintain a healthy weight. Fasting can also help in adding years to your life on earth.
•Exercise regularly as HGH is released after exercise.
•Go for regular health check ups to treat diseases early and get cured fast.
•Seek prompt medical care when injured or ill.
•Try keeping away from polluted areas be it air, water, sound pollution.
•Maintain a health emotional balance and keep close ties with friends and family.
•If you want to take pills or products that reverse aging, consult your doctor and discern the facts.
3 Anti Aging Cream
Is it a way to fleece our insecurities about ourselves as our bodies begin to show the changes that come with aging?
What is it about aging that we are unwilling to accept and fight like crazy to prevent from happening?
What processes does our skin go through that we are trying to reverse?
Is there an antiaging skin cream out there that will help to reverse the signs of aging and that will not cause us increased problems, or even premature aging because of the ingredients that have been used to create the so called (magic potion).
There is no doubt about it, myself included, that our skin begins to give our age away and even if you are like me and trying to reverse the trend through becoming more active, exercise and diet conscious it seems that our skin can still prevent us from successfully masking what we are desperately trying to hide, Our Age!
How the Skin Ages
The skin is made up of three layers:
a) subcutaneous: where the fat is stored.
b) dermal: contains many structures including nerve cells, sweat glands, hair bulbs etc.
c) epidermal: where new skin cells (including pigmentation cells) are created and migrate through 5 layers until they are dead cells that provide us with the top layer of skin that we lose daily.
Although our skin ages all the time throughout our lives it only really begins to show the signs of aging when we reach our late 40s and most of the aging that our skin goes through takes place in the dermal layer. Below is a list of what is happening to each of us:
a) Collagen: cells decrease or stiffen and break apart
b) Elastin: elastic fibres lose some of their elasticity, stiffen & fray. (this process is speeded up in people who smoke)
c) Fibroblasts:(the producers for collagen and elastin) decrease in number.
d) Sebaceous glands: decrease in size causing dry and broken skin.
e)Melanocytes: (pigmentation cells)- are natural UVA & UVB protectors decrease in number resulting in grey hair and white blotches in the skin but they increase in size making the skin blotchy with large brown spots (these are known as liver spots).
f) Subcutaneous fat is lost making the skin look a lot thinner.
g) Basal cell migration (new skin cells) is slowed down.
So with all these changes going on to our skin how do our most popular anti-aging skin care products live up to their claims of reducing wrinkles and making skin look younger.
In short for most of the products out there the answer is a simple: (They Do Not) if we were to take a quick glance at the ingredients list, not only would we not understand what all the ingredients were, unless we were chemists.
It would only be through microscopic analysis of the product that we would be able to dertermine how much of the essential active ingredients are actually present in the product itself and in most cases this is very little - rendering the product almost useless.
Most of the creams that make up this billion dollar industry are filled with waxes, mineral oils and other cheap and potentially lethal fillers that with constant use actually cause our skin to age faster.
So what does that list of ingredients mean. Let us just look at a couple of them to give you the picture:
Cyclopentasiloxane - it feels good. It coats the skin and gives it a silky feel, it evaporates so your skin will not feel greasy, it is made from sand and residue can stay in the body for five years.
C13-14 Isoparaffin is a gelling agent. It is a mixture of mineral oils derived from petroleum.
Petrolatum is mineral oil jelly, and mineral oil causes a lot of problems when used on the skin (i.e., promotes sun damage), and it tends to interfere with the body's own natural moisturizing mechanism, it leads to dry skin and chapping.
The question you are now asking yourself is are there natural products out there that do what they say and that are perfectly safe to use that nourish the skin deep down rather than just coat the top of the skin.
The great news is that there has been research in recent years that has discovered natural products that feed the skin and are very effective in working with the chemistry of the body to actually increase the number of collagen and elastin cells, prevent water loss and assist in increasing basal cell production to truly give you more youthful skin that is well nourished.
So if you want anti aging skin care products that really work look for antiaging skin cream from companies who are not afraid to state that they do not include any ingredient that you could not safely eat.
Karen Graham has sinced written about articles on various topics from Skin Care, Aging and Skin Care. Karen is an holistic therapist and an expert when it comes to natural skin care products. Before you buy your next anti-aging skin care products check out Karen's per. Karen Graham's top article generates over 3600 views. Bookmark Karen Graham to your Favourites.
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