Social networking sites such as Facebook have really become popular over the last couple of years and Internet marketers are starting to realize that they can use Facebook Video Marketing to help increase the exposure their products and services receive. However, there are some problems that you must overcome. It's easy to create a video, but it is much harder to make a Facebook video marketing campaign that will stand out from the crowd and actually help to sell your products or services. And this is one of the biggest problems - marketers simply do not know how to make effective videos!
I decided it was time to overcome these common problems so in this article I am going to discuss 3 Facebook Video Marketing strategies that you can employ to help ensure that you get the maximum number of viewers and the very best exposure for your promotions.
Facebook Is A Social Site - Use This To Your Advantage!
Facebook is probably one of the largest, if not THE largest social network site out there right now, so make sure that you take advantage of this fact in your Facebook video marketing. This is a great opportunity for you to actually connect directly with your viewers through your videos. For example, you could create a series of tutorial or 'how to' videos as part of your marketing campaign and then allow your viewers to leave comments on your videos. They could say anything from praising you for making a high quality video, to asking questions about your products or services, leaving general feedback, or even picking up a point you made in your video and turning it into a discussion.
If you can build a meaningful, informative and relevant discussion around your video on Facebook then you will find yourself getting more and more viewers as people watch your video and join in the discussion. One of the video problems that marketers face on Facebook are viewers who feel isolated by information that only flows in one way: from the presenter to the viewer. But by using your video marketing skills to create a discussion, you are enabling your viewers to connect with your message, and to actually respond to your marketing message as well.
Use All Of The Facebook Video Upload Features!
One of the great things about the Facebook video upload feature is that it enables you to enter a lot of information about your video. However, a major problem that really annoys me is when a marketer simply calls their video 'Video 1' or some other meaningless title. You need to make sure that you have an engaging title that makes people want to watch and share your video. Of course, your title should also be relevant to the actual content of your video - so while it is a good idea to try and include keywords in your titles, make sure that they are relevant.
Another common problem in many Facebook videos is the lack of a decent description. By taking the time to write an accurate description of your Facebook video you are helping people to decide whether they really want to spend the time to watch your video. You can also include your website address in the description so even if someone decides not to watch your video, they will still see your URL and, maybe, visit your web site.
Another mistake many marketers make in Facebook videos is not using tagging. Facebook video is fantastic because it allows you to 'tag' the people in your video (including yourself). This can work to your advantage because it allows you to let people know who is featured in the video and this is great if you've conducted an interview with a well known personality or expert within your specific niche.
Entice Your Audience With Teasers!
The final Facebook video problem that I see on a daily basis are marketers who are trying to directly sell their products or services through Facebook without really enticing their viewers to make that purchase. So, if you sell a report that reveals the top 10 secrets to business success, you may decide to upload a video on Facebook that actually tells viewers about the first of these secrets. This is designed to do two things:
Firstly, it helps your viewers to actually build a feeling of trust towards you. They will appreciate the fact that you are willing to give away top quality information free of charge.
Secondly, you will 'tease' your viewers and get them interested in your report. By eplaining or giving away the first secret of business success for free you will make your viewers want to discover the remaining 9 secrets. And of course, they can only do this by visiting your website and purchasing your report. Include a call to action at the end of your Facebook video to entice people to make a purchase and make sure your website address is clearly displayed.
So there we have it, 3 strategies that will help you overcome the most common video marketing problems and help you to promote yourself though Facebook. These marketing strategies may sound simple but you would be amazed by the number of people who seem to overlook them. By taking a little extra time and effort you can really make your video marketing stand out from the other promotional videos on Facebook, allowing you to maximize your viewers and achieve the best possible exposure your promotion.
Filippo T. Toso has sinced written about articles on various topics from Video Marketing, Internet Marketing and Business Marketing. Filippo Toso is an Italian marketing expert. Having worked with some of the world's leading companies and organizations such as the UN, Filippo decided to share his expertise and now promotes his services using one of his own products on. Filippo T. Toso's top article generates over 1600 views. Bookmark Filippo T. Toso to your Favourites.
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