Few conditions can be as scary and distressing as genital warts. What does one make of warts coming up in the most awkward spots in the body? And what does one make of a condition that many are even ‘ashamed' of seeking treatment for – because of the parts of the body it tends to afflict?
Thankfully, warts doesn't seem to be one of those conditions that people are irrevocably predisposed to by their genes. It is very much a condition about which there are some things you can do, to keep yourself safe from.
The first and most sure thing you can do, if you are a lady, to keep yourself out of genital warts' way is go for immunization. Turns out there is a vaccine against genital warts (and other conditions caused by the human pappiloma virus HPV)- but it is only available for women; although studies into male versions of it are said to be underway. Gardasil is the name of the vaccine – and going for it would largely keep you safe from warts and a host of other even scarier conditions, like cervical cancer.
The second thing you can do to keep yourself out of genital warts' way is to avoid indiscriminate sexual relations. Remember, when all is said and done, genital warts is a sexual transmitted disease and by avoiding indiscriminate sexual relations, you go a long way towards keeping yourself out of its way. Having protected sex, rather than unprotected sex is another step you can take towards keeping yourself out of warts' way. Just remember that the condom doesn't offer 100% protection against genital warts – so that you don't get too surprised when you contract genital warts in spite of engaging in ‘safe sex.' Nonetheless, using the condom is much better than unmitigated exposure to the virus.
The third thing you can do to keep yourself out of genital warts way is to avoid sharing person toiletry effects, especially towels. It is worth noting that most of the people who contract warts, and who claim not to have had any recent sexual encounters tend to be people who have contracted the condition through the sharing of personal items like towels. It follows, then that it would be in your best interests, when traveling, to carry your own towel, rather than relying on hotel towels – whose previous users you can be sure of.
The fourth thing you can do to keep yourself out of genital warts way is to maintain high standards of personal hygiene. It is true that warts is not a condition primary caused by low standards of hygiene (so that having it does not automatically mean that you have failed in hygiene). Yet maintaining high standards of hygiene does seem to have the effect of keeping conditions caused by various pathogens (like it is) at bay. In any case, maintaining high standards of personal hygiene is sure to keep you safe from a host of other conditions; even it doesn't keep you out of genital warts' way.
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