Now, it doesn't matter how young they think they are, turning 40 is a big deal for most guys. Few will admit, and even fewer will admit it to themselves. That's OK. The best you can do, is help to make it a great day with a great gift. While trying to think like a 40 year old guy, is pretty much impossible unless your a 40 year old guy, I should be able to help. While I'm a little past that number, it's not that long ago, that I can't remember it.
While I never received the gifts I'm about to mention, they are certainly gifts I would have enjoyed. These are only suggestions, so feel free to take these gift ideas as just a starting point. Anything I'm about to suggest can be taken and twisted or misconstrued to suit the tastes and likings of 40 year old male in your gift shopping sights.
Let's start out a little basic and primal. Hard to go wrong with that. Why not a beer gift basket. Funny yep, but very appropriate (assuming your guy likes beer). Now remember to use your imagination a little bit here, and have fun with this one. Gift baskets to have to be the all cute and frilly with bows and taffeta like you'd traditionally see. They don't even have to be baskets. Cooler bags shaped like mini fridges, or baskets in the shape of beer cases would work here.
How about something a little less primal, but somewhat more dare-devilish? Take him to the friendly skies on his 40th day bash with a helicopter ride. Almost everyones been in a plane before, but few have enjoyed the exhilaration that a helicopter can. There are rides over most major cities that can be arranged. For something even more exciting, how about a ride over some famous landmarks or landscapes. The Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, and Niagra Falls come to mind. You may want to skip buzzing the White House in one, as those secret service guys don't have much in the way of a sense of humour.
And now for something a little more down to earth in the out of the ordinary category. How about a city tour on a Segway. You know, those 2 wheeled like scooters that are the favorites of geeks everywhere. I think the guides actually refer to the trips as urban adventure tours. Whatever. It's a great way to go touring through your favorite yet undiscovered city without wearing out your shoes. Just be sure to stop and enjoy the sights and restaurants on the way. It's a great birthday gift for anyones 40th birthday.
40th Birthday Gifts For Men
I read article a while back about buying gifts for men, that I thought would be appropriate on here. Especially, since this story talks about good gifts for men as they hit their 40th birthday. It stuck in my mind a bit, because I turned 40 just a few years ago, and it spoke about how men view their age a little differently then women, and how that psychology can help in getting them good birthday presents.
The article said basically, that men are for more nostalgic then they will admit, and if you keep that in mind, then buying them a 40th birthday present can be easier. Now one of my first thoughts on reading that men were nostalgic, was, well that's utter rubbish. As the piece explained further on, that few men would admit to hit, I was beginning to see what they trying to explain.
I think, that for me it started around the time my father passed away. I was never very nostalgic before that, but afterwards I found myself thinking more about the "good old days". Which is kind of funny, because in my younger days, I always that "good old days" was just old people language. I even remember a song where the lyrics went something like "these are the good old days" in the chorus. I stuck with me, and I believe it to this day. Just sometimes, I have to try and little harder, and remind myself of it.
So, with all this in mind, how do you apply this theory to buying gifts for a guy on his 40th? Well, I'm not exactly sure how. Maybe for some guys it does work. I'm not sure it would work for me . . . still in denial I guess.
Guys do seem to enjoy keeping older things around. Old cars, old collectibles, old clothes, old tools. I always thought I was just a pack rat by nature, but maybe there is something nostalgic about it all. I suppose it could mean that. But, does that mean guys want old stuff for presents? That seems hard to believe. Think of all the guys who like the shiny new electronic gadgets. Cell phones, PDAs, stereos, computers, big honkin' programmable remote controls.
Maybe buying gifts is not the right time to strike a nostalgic time with the big guy. Maybe the right approach, is to give him gifts that he'll want to hang on to forever. Something that strikes an emotional chord that will last for years.
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