Although you may not be new to marketing your scrapbooking business on the internet, I want to revisit some tips that will get your list growing. Your list should help your scrapbooking business grow, not keep it stagnant. Your relationship between your opt-in list members and yourself must be one of trust. If don't have trust, they probably won't sign up. And if they do they may not stay subscribed. Here are a few strategies to help you build and maintain trust:
1. The customer must be able to unsubscribe from your list. Let each customer who signs up for your newsletter or ezine know they have the option to opt out quickly and easily whenever they like. Most autoresponder services include a link to unsubscribe at the end of the email. This is actually required by the CAN-SPAM Act.
2. Always offer interesting, relavent and valuable content. By providing your readers with informational articles and content, you are building trust with your customers. This initially takes time, but the benefit of having your customers trusting what you have to say is definitely worth your time. You'll be viewed as an expert, which easily brings more prospects to you.
3. The popular 80/20 rule. People expect to be sold to when they receive an email. However if your emails include constant sales messages, they will likely click the unsubscribe button faster than you can say, "but wait, there's more!" Try to include 80% valuable content and around 20% sales content. Of course, your marketing content needs to be relavant to your topic as well.
5. Balance the number of emails you send out. There's a fine line between emailing too often and not emailing often enough. Find the balance that works with your customers and you. Track your click through and open rates. Most people who subscribe to your list expect emails from you on a regular basis. On the other hand they won't be happy if you email them too often. When you create your opt-in box, specify how often you intend to contact them, letting them know their will be occasional extra mailings when you come across something that will be of interest to them.
Your list is how you communicate with your scrapbook customers. If you have no potential customers on your list, who will you communicate with to potentially sell your products? Provide good content and keep your customers anticipating your next mailing. Earn their trust, provide great content, show you are real and that you care, then your list will thrive!
Dawn has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home Improvement, Ideas for Scrapbooking. Dawn Stegall is dedicated to helping you succeed with your scrapbooking business. Free e-course and business tips at Dawn's top article generates over 720 views. Bookmark Dawn to your Favourites.
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