The compensation system in the network marketing is such that a network marketer earns not only from sales initiated by him but also from sales brought in by his sponsored network marketers. Therefore the sponsor has a vested interest to see that his sponsored networkers perform well.
Network marketing is also known as relationship marketing or referral marketing. For a network marketer the most important part of his business is recruiting new network marketers or prospects and ensuring that they are able to earn well from the program.
How can a network marketer ensure that more and more prospects join his business?
Here are some tips on prospecting effectively.
1.Shift your Focus from Yourself to Your Prospect. This is perhaps the most important step and calls for a basic change in the mindset. Every network marketer wants to earn and grow his business. However, while communicating with your prospect you should completely forget about your earnings. Instead, you should only think of helping your prospect to earn for himself.
2.Build a Rapport. Building a rapport is the basic prospecting principle. This opens up the prospect and establishes a channel of communication. Present yourself as a friend and not as a salesman.
3.Understand What Motivates the Prospect. Any prospect will be inclined to join network marketing business only in the hope of meeting his unfulfilled desires. He may be looking for financial security, additional income, freedom from daily grind, business ownership and so on. While communicating with your prospect you should try and understand rather quickly what he is looking for and what motivates him. When you focus on your prospect rather than on your business you are in a better frame of mind to get this information.
4.Listen to Your Prospect. It is important to listen to the prospect in order to understand him. As a general rule you should allow your prospect to speak for more than three-fourth of the time.
5.Ask Open-Ended Questions. This is a way to encourage your prospect to speak. Without being offensive you can ask open-ended questions to keep the interaction going, such as why, what, where, when. Your prospect will feel more involved.
6.Match Expectations of the Prospect to Your Offer. Ask yourself honestly this question. Can your offer be used to satisfy the expectations of the prospect? If yes, then you may be on the right track. Just show the prospect how your program is going to help him.
7.Respect the Decision of the Prospect. The prospect will make decisions based on his reasons, not yours. There is no point in trying to force your decision on him. Respect his decisions and you will remain friends even if he does not join you immediately.
8.Build Credibility. Be honest, whatever may be the outcome of your interaction. Your prospect should develop faith in you and trust you to help him in growing his business.
9.Contact the Prospect Frequently. If a prospect is non-committal or even if he says no first time it does not necessarily mean no. He may later decide to join you provided you remain in contact with him. This is particularly true in email marketing where prospects are convinced enough to join the program only after being reminded several times.
There you have the clue to successful prospecting.
Network marketing provides one of the best opportunities not only for massive earnings but also for personal development. Your life is transformed and you get the power to transform lives of other people. You get a deep satisfaction when you are able to give another person a life changing experience. All you need to do is develop a proper mindset and you are on your way to prosperity.
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