Many beginners think that the only way to advertise about their products and services is to create ads and buy ad space for them. Although that can be an effective technique indeed, it's not the only alternative around. There are other and more affordable options to consider if Internet marketing is your objective.
Create an email newsletter for customers to subscribe to.
An email newsletter gives you the opportunity to regularly contact your customers without being accused of sending them SPAM. Of course, you have to make them subscribe to your newsletter first.
To convince customers to subscribe to your email newsletter, you'll need to give them something to look forward to. What can you offer in your email newsletter that they won't find anywhere else in the Internet? In most cases, email newsletter share valuable information to customers: information that they may have to pay for elsewhere.
On your part, you may always include parts in your newsletter that focus on advertising about your products and services. Your readers won't mind just as long as you've established a connection between what you're advertising and whatever the main topic is for your current newsletter.
Get them to subscribe to your RSS feeds.
RSS feeds are a way of keeping your customers updated about the latest going-ons in your website. Instead of putting them to the hassle of dropping by your website everyday, having RSS feeds will let you send email updates and notices to your customers, letting them know when is the best time for them to visit your site.
Participate in forums.
Forums are not just a place online to discuss issues, solicit suggestions, and have debates with other people. Forums are also a place for you to do a little bit of Internet marketing albeit indirectly.
With forums, the trick is using your knowledge or maybe even your personality to advertise about your company. Start by filling up your profile page. Let them know who you are and remember to include a link to your website or blog. Afterwards, choose the ideal threads to participate in. Post replies only when you truly have something valuable to contribute. Slowly but surely, other members in the forum will notice your answers and be impressed enough to check your profile page and see if there's any website where they can learn more about you or what you're offering. And yes, do remember to post replies that are directly related to your business or it's all for naught!
Create a blog.
Register a blog in whatever blog hosting site you prefer. There are a lot to choose from. Design it in a way that befits your business but will at the same time be considered attractive by your readers.
Start posting. It can be anything related to your business, just as long as it promotes your company even indirectly so and it's something that will benefit your readers. It always pays to have new and original content. You can subscribe to news services and post entries that are related to the latest news affecting your industry.
Your duty doesn't end there. You also need to circulate. Besides encouraging readers to comment on your entries, you should go around as well and post comments on other people's blogs. They're sure to return the favor and then you'll get to enjoy the benefits of link exchange.
Daegan Smith has sinced written about articles on various topics from Start Online Business, Multi Level Marketing and Web Development. Daegan Smith Is And Expert Online Marketer"Wanna Lean The Secret To Making $85,147,717Per Month While Quickly And Easily EXPLODINGYour Network Marketing Organization by 7,141People Without EVER Buying Or Calling aSingle Stinking Lead?" Free CD Explains Al. Daegan Smith's top article generates over 246000 views. Bookmark Daegan Smith to your Favourites.
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