Debt counseling has become a $7 billion dollar industry, but not all of them play fair. 10 years ago the credit counseling industry was dominated by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, who nonprofit affiliates, usually known as Consumer Credit Counseling Services, would negotiate lower interest rates and payment plans for people who were behind in their payments. Now Consumer Credit Counseling Services are in just about every city.
The services have plenty of competition now. A rise in consumer debt in the 1990s helped create hundreds of rivals. Some of these rivals have million-dollar advertising budgets, slick Internet come-ons and sound alike names.
Some of the recent rivals actually will negotiate a good repayment plan, while others only charge large, upfront fees, pay their executives even larger salaries and pocket most of the money that should be going to pay off creditors. Some of these companies will target people who are not late on their payments, but are tired of the high interest fees..
The really bad ones of the lot are not even credit counselors. They will usually bill themselves as specialist in “debt settlement”, they promise to help you get rid of your debts for pennies on the dollar, of course that would be after you pay their upfront fee of $3000 or more. In many cases by the time someone, who could do something about them, hears about these types of companies, they have already left with the victim's cash, disconnected their phone lines, and are now doing business under a different name somewhere else.
Since these people don't seem to have any trouble finding someone in need of their services, there are plenty of people out there who need the services of a legitimate credit counseling company. It is hard to get an accurate count of the number of people who have used credit counseling services for debt repayment. Of those in debt repayment plans only about half are expected to successfully complete their repayment plans. The other half will drop out, with some of them filing for bankruptcy.
Most credit counseling services will negotiate lower payments with credit card companies and other lenders, then will make the arranged payment to the creditors using a check or an electronic transfer given to them by the client.
Many of the credit counseling services receive their fees from the lenders themselves, which is sent back to the service from the portion they have received. Because of this many critics have accused credit counseling services of being a tool of the lending industry.
Because the payment system is known as “fair share”, it has encouraged the growth of credit counseling services. This has caused some agencies, driven by competition, to openly target consumers who have not fallen behind in their debts by promising lower interest rates. This practice has angered credit card companies and many times hurts the consumers. These consumers find out too late that these types of plans can hurt their credit and are unnecessary.
Just so that you understand. If you are able to make your payments and are current on all of your accounts, you do not need the services of a credit counseling agency. If your interest rates are too high, many time you can negotiate a lower rate with your credit card company, all you have to do is ask or threaten to take your business elsewhere.
If you are unsure whether or not you need a credit counseling service, look at this list below.
You are unable to pay even the minimum payment on your credit cards.
You are always late paying one or more of your regular bills.
You have collection agencies and your creditors calling you all the time.
You have tried to work out a reasonable payment plan with your creditors, but have been unable to do so.
If you are too far in debt, credit counseling may not be able to help. Your creditors will have their limits as to how far down they will go, and the credit counseling service may not be able to get your payment low enough to give you breathing room or to help you get out of debt. It this is the case, bankruptcy may be the best option for you.
If you are in need of a credit counseling service, here are some things to watch out for.
Large upfront fees Consumer Credit Counseling Services will usually charge a $10 set-up fee. Do not go with anyone trying to charge you more.
No accreditation Legitimate credit counseling services are affiliated with the National Foundation for Credit Counseling or the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies.
Delayed or missing payments Some companies will pocket the first payment as a fee rather than pay your creditors. This can hurt your credit rating. Make sure you know the amount going to your creditors and when it is sent to them.
Unrealistic promises Watch out for companies who claim they can get rid of your debt for no money or for very little money without hurting your credit rating. Legitimate credit counseling services help you to pay back what you owe and will tell you upfront that there may be some affect to your credit rating.
A Better Way Credit Counseling
Today, many people are looking for alternate sources of energy and more cost conservative and environmentally friendly ways to power their home. You can also cool your home in a friendlier way to your pocket and your environment.
Evaporative coolers, also called swamp coolers have great features to naturally keep your air cooler, create clean, constant circulating air, humidify your room (which can even be done in dry winter heat) and operate at lower noise levels than a refrigeration type air conditioner.
Window evaporative systems have cooling pads that are absorbent and turn heat into cool air, have slats or louvers to allow you to direct air flow, have a kit to allow you to slide the unit into your window and the design of the window cooler allows it to help cool your home without being bulky and in the way such as with a portable unit.
What other reasons are there for using window based evaporative coolers?
There are many reasons to use window evaporative coolers. They are generally installed in a window like an air conditioning unit but with many features that set these products apart from regular refrigeration air conditioning units. The evaporative air cooler uses hot air and water to dramatically lower your room temperature. They are significantly lower to operate electricity wise over regular air conditioners and they are cleaner to operate with the bonus of being better for the environment and creating cleaner air in your home. You can have a portable evaporative cooler, a window based unit that cools a room or a system installed in your home that cools your whole house. They also exist in commercial sizes as well.
There are great advantages to your electrical bill being reduced with a healthy flow of air and without damage to the ozone. This is a much more natural process of cooling your house and units even exist that have additional features of fighting dust and pollen. The hotter it is outside, the better the unit will work with evaporative technology.
There are varying materials inside the unit that can impact the performance of it such as materials that may or may not be susceptible to corrosion or rust. There are different types of absorbent pads with varying materials and levels of thickness, there are fans and blowers that will vary as well as a water reservoir that can determine how often you need to fill it. Some coolers can be fed water directly from your plumbing as well.
A window evaporative cooler can look as sleek and stylish as a new air conditioning unit. Be sure that you buy a unit large enough to cool the entire room you plan to use it in and be sure to maintain the unit regularly to reduce scale build up and continued absorbency of the water pads. Pads need to be replaced regularly depending on what type of pad your machine uses as well.
In closing, an evaporative cooler that's in your window can cool your room in a natural, environmentally friendly way that can also lead to a reduction in energy costs as well as cleaner air for your home. Maintenance is not complicated and can be completed a few times per season if you are even just a little bit handy. There are many options available in window coolers for varying prices.
Both Ray Subs & Phil Caxton are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Ray Subs has sinced written about articles on various topics from About Branding, Internet Marketing and Credit Counseling. Ray Subs works with Debt Relief Place as a public relations consultant, more information about Debt Relief Place can be found at Debt Relief Place. Ray Subs's top article generates over 33100 views. Bookmark Ray Subs to your Favourites.
Phil Caxton has sinced written about articles on various topics from Credit Counseling, Home Improvement and Kitchen Home Improvement. Phil Caxton is the editor of . You can find more information and resources on window evaporative cooler. Phil Caxton's top article generates over 1000000 views. Bookmark Phil Caxton to your Favourites.
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