Most gardening fanatics suffer from the biggest problem that can nip their hobby in the bud ? lack of space. However, what most people do not know is that they can easily practice gardening in whatever little space they have. Gardening can be done in a balcony, on a patio, or even on a windowsill where there is adequate sunlight. Such home gardening is not just for pleasure; it can be your source of several vegetables. Welcome to the world of container gardening!
Gardening in the years gone by required a lot of space. Now, gardens have sprung up even in apartments without much lack of glory. Container gardening has made this happen. In simple words, container gardening means growing plants in containers, what are commonly known as potted plants. This enables people to grow seasonal plants as well as perennial plants, shrubs as well as little trees within their homes. The great advantage is that no mowing is required in container gardening.
But that doesn't mean that container gardening is quite simple. Even here, a lot of management is required. You will first need to know what kinds of plants grow well in your climatic region. This can be found by looking up your USDA zone, or simply by the amount of daylight the area receives.
Your neighborhood nurseries are your best choices to get your plants. If you have set up your pots correctly, then you can use seedlings too. You will need to take care when the plants are young and tender. The temperature should not be more than 45 degrees Fahrenheit and the winds should not be too fast. In frosty weather, keeping the plants out in the night is equal to killing them.
Some aficionados of soil gardening believe that gardening in containers does not produce good quality plants. This is not true at all. If you try it out, you will know. You can even get the same kind of drainage that you get on a ground, by making some holes in the container through which the water can pass out.
Another advantage of container gardening is that you do not need to invest as much. Maintenance isn't costly too. All requirements of container-grown plants are less; you need to use little fertilizer and little of everything else that plants normally need.
Vegetables grow excellently in containers, with just the right amount of sunlight and water. You can prepare a good supply of vegetables for your salads or for your ratatouille right inside your home. You can even make your cooked dishes seem more homely when you have grown the vegetables yourself.
Even if you don't have a balcony, you can get some window boxes fitted on the windows after obtaining the right kind of permission. This is the way container gardening is practiced nowadays. It is suitable for annuals as well as perennials. You can source your vegetables from here. An extension of container gardening in the cities is called community gardening.
When the cold season comes, you might not be able to keep growing all the plants. However, you can make an initial decision to grow only the plants that can withstand bitter cold. Such plants are cornflowers, eulalia grass, jasmine lavender cottons, Mexican feather grass, million bells and stonecrops, etc.
When spring comes again, you can replant the container. Some people online might help you with some designs for your container gardens too. Such people will also give you tips on choosing the right containers, and growing different types of plants in containers.
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