Fibromyalgia, also called FM, or FMS, is a chronic disease characterized by muscle, joint, or bone pain, combined with fatigue and other symptoms. It affects mostly women, although men may also suffer from fibromyalgia. Three to six percent of the population suffer from this condition, which can be diagnosed at almost any age. It is not well understood and there is no generally acceptable medical cure, only the ability to help with symptoms. Some doctors claim that fibromyalgia is psychosomatic, but this isn't generally accepted among the medical community.
People who suffer from the unrelenting pain of fibromyalgia are interested in finding any solution they can. One option that has come up in recent years is the possibility of using diet for fibromyalgia treatment. People suffering from fibromyalgia have found that when they alter their diet for fibromyalgia, eliminating certain foods that aggravate their symptoms, they may have a reduction in pain. One of the substances most frequently eliminated when adjusting your diet for fibromyalgia is gluten.
Gluten is found in almost all grain products, because it is derived from wheat. Gluten is the substance that causes bread to rise, and give it the texture we expect. It can also be difficult to digest for some people, and aggravate some of the symptoms of fibromyalgia. People who wanted to remove gluten from their diet for fibromyalgia used to have trouble finding products, but with the improved access to gluten free foods, it's not hard at all. Gluten free foods are now one of the fastest growing segments of the food market, making it easy to enjoy breads, pastas, and other things traditionally made with wheat.
Your physician may not be willing to prescribe a gluten-free diet for fibromyalgia. This is probably a choice that you will have to try for yourself. Be sure to let your doctor know before making this change, of course. Many people find that when they eat a primarily gluten-free diet for fibromyalgia and eliminate preservatives and artificial additives, some of the pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia are reduced. If the gluten free diet does not work, it is easy to go back to what you were eating before. Gluten free foods are often more expensive than similar wheat-based products, but are generally cheaper than the many pain killers that people suffering from have to take on a regular basis.
If you suffer from fibromyalgia and want to reduce your symptoms, changing your diet for fibromyalgia might be the right course of action. You may at first have a hard time giving up your favorite breads and cereals, but there are substitutes that you can eat. Once you find that your symptoms are reduced, you'll never want to go back to eating gluten again. Many people report an immense change when they start going to a gluten free diet for fibromyalgia. With the change this can make in your life, why not give it a try?
A Gluten Free Diet
We need to consume carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and even some fat to remain healthy and active. However, once certain diseases set it we may have to cut down or eliminate certain foods from our diet. This is a difficult process both because we need to control our urge to eat and because we need to be cautious not to mistakenly consume forbidden foods.
A gluten free diet involves the avoidance of gluten containing cereals like barley, wheat, rye, and oats. This kind of diet must be followed by those with coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis. It is also recommended for those suffering from multiple sclerosis, autism, schizophrenia, chronic fatigue, and attention deficit disorder. The bad news is that if you suffer from any of these diseases, you cannot have ordinary bread, pasta, and many junk foods. The good news is that you don't have to give up on starch altogether even if you suffer any of these diseases. Rice, maize, tapioca, millet, arrowroot, potato, and sweet potato are some gluten-free sources of starch. Therefore, you can have specially prepared gluten free pastas and breads.
Gluten free meals should be prepared very carefully because many packaged products bought from the market may not have gluten free written on the label. Therefore, go through the list of ingredients carefully. Many foods contain glucose syrup, wheat or barley starch, and malt flavoring. Such foods must be avoided. In addition, you may not find certain gluten containing foods listed on the label because they are used in the preparation of certain foods.
If you must have alcohol, go for products like wine, port, sherry, rum, and tequila. Avoid beer as it contains traces of barley and, may be, wheat. Buckwheat-based beer is safe for consumption, but is not commonly available. Other types of gluten free beer are, however, becoming increasingly available and can be safely consumed. Just keep your medical practitioner updated about your food habits and watch out for adverse reactions on eating new foods.
Research indicates that autistic children showed significant improvement in general mood, eye contact, and attentiveness when put on a gluten and casein free diet. They also showed marked reduction in aggressive behavior and tantrums.
As the adage goes "Better safe than sorry." Therefore, if you suffer from any of the above diseases avoid gluten. Consult your doctor regularly and find out the about all the alternative foods you can consume to make up for the loss of starch, protein, and dietary fiber in a gluten free diet.
Both Ethan Edison & Barney Garcia are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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