Troubled marriage represents different kind of emotions. Hurt feelings are the most common but it can lead to depression, panic, paranoia, and anger. These emotions can be distracting to your goal of creating romantic love and finally bringing it all in ruins. For this part, it can take you to painful experiences you can never accept at all.
This kind of situation can make your mind go nuts thinking how can you possibly save it in due time. Marriage in trouble is very depressing thinking what went wrong. It makes you realize what is happening, although you are expecting that all is well despite some differences.
Likewise, in marriage you just knew that it's not going to be a perfect one. You just do what you think is right but still some are not quite enough. But then you think it's not a problem at all, because you expect in marriage that it's a process of accepting, learning and most of all loving despite of weaknesses.
In dealing troubled marriage, you can approach marriage counselors although you better find a good one. A good marriage counselor helps couple to guide through emotional distresses, motivating the feelings and discussing some sort of tips to excite the couple. Counselors guide couples in understanding the enormous stress in facing one of their greatest crises to date. For instance, when one or both spouses become emotionally upset, a counselor must have the skill in treating emotional reactions effectively.
A good counselor must know how to calm down the couple and assuring them that it's not a sign of hopeless incompatibility. Counselors sometimes obtain special training for many common marital problems, such as sexual differences in which this is one of the reasons why couples disintegrate- like having an affair. Also, financial conflicts can be a deciding factor in which one of the couple is not financially stable.
By finding your preferred marriage counselor, there are many ways of discovering them. You can ask from your friends but its better if some of them have been seen a counselor that has successfully guided them. Also, you can find counselors in your phone directory or yellow pages where some of their offices and contact numbers are stated.
Regardless of your source of referral, you should be certain in choosing someone who can really help you. Always remember that a counselor is who can help your relationship for you and your partner. If possible, it's much better if your partner is an active participant in treatment sessions.
By calling counselors at their offices, you can call one clinic at a time. Ask their respective assistants to speak to the counselor you are considering by phone. When you are about to speak some questions after your introductions and purpose, you can ask these following questions:
• How many years have you been a counselor?
• What are your credentials (e.g. academic and master's degree)?
• Do you help clients in overcoming and avoiding emotional letdowns?
• Do you help in motivating the clients to finish the program successfully?
• Do you suggest different approach in dealing solutions in any kind of marital situations?
• How much does it cost for every session or for the whole duration of the program?
You can add other relevant questions as long as the marriage counselor knows what type of marital problem you have. Finally, for choosing your preferred marriage counselor you should let him/her know that you come for help in restoring and saving love to your marriage. Because in marriage, it's the most beautiful thing ever to happen in your life.
A Good Marriage Counselor
Snoring is a funny problem, in a comedy sketch. But snoring in real life is a difficult and complex problem. Everyone snores at one time or another. Babies snore and they sound very cute. Pets snore and that's just amusing. But what if your bed partner snores so loudly that you cannot sleep. This is not cute or amusing.
The intimacy of a good marriage can be destroyed by snoring. If one party snores so loudly that it wakes up the other party, that is a problem that must be solved. The non-snoring partner will probably not be able to get back to sleep. If it's available, they may move to a guest room. But no one really wants to leave their partner and sleep alone. And if this goes on night after night, it can break down an otherwise good relationship.
I remember a widow I knew once told me that after her husband died she would have given anything just to hear him snoring beside her. I try to tell myself that when my husband's snoring wakes me up. But while I understand her loss and appreciate the sentiment, I cannot help being angry when I can't get a good night's sleep.
Snoring is caused by the narrowing of the airways in the nose and throat. As you breathe, the air has to push its way though a smaller then usual passage. The noise you hear is due to the vibration of loose tissue in the back of the throat. Snoring can be mild, meaning that snoring stops when the snorer changes position. Snoring can also be severe and it this case the snoring continues no matter what position the body is in. Chronic and severe snoring can lead to serious health problems.
There are many causes of snoring, some of which are under our control and some of which are not. Causes within our control include being overweight or out of shape. Excess weight and fatty tissue in the neck cause the throat to become smaller. Poor muscle tone can also contribute to snoring. Smoking, even second hand smoke, may play a role as smoking both relaxes muscles and contributes to nasal and lung congestion. Excessive alcohol and certain medications which relax the throat and tongue muscles can contribute to snoring. Finally, sleep position can play a role. Sleeping flat on your back allows the neck to relax too much and creates the proper environment to produce snoring.
There are also factors that we cannot control which contribute to snoring. Heredity is one. You may inherit a narrow throat. Being middle aged or older will also result in the narrowing of the throat and loss of muscle tone. Being male is a factor. Some women do snore, of course, but generally men have narrower air passages and are more likely to snore. Medical conditions such as allergies, asthma or other respiratory problems will cause blockage of the airways and may result in snoring.
Before you can look for a cure you need to understand why you snore. Here's a little tip to help you. If you snore with you mouth open, your snoring is probably related to the tissues in your throat. If you snore with you mouth closed, a problem with your tongue is probably to blame.
What to do about snoring depends on the cause and severity. Extreme cases can lead to sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a true breathing obstruction which requires the sleeper to wake up to begin breathing again. Often the sleeper does not remember waking up and unless that person has a sleep partner who notices the awakenings the condition may go untreated. Sleep apnea is life threatening and a physician must be consulted if this condition is determined to be the cause of snoring.
In most cases of snoring however, the person can take measures necessary to cure their snoring without resorting to drastic medical fixes. Obviously losing weight, getting in shape and stopping smoking are first on the list of self cures. A snorer may change the position in which they sleep and try elevating their head. If you have a cold you can take a nasal decongestant to help you breathe more easily or try a nasal strip to help keep nasal passages open. Don't take antihistamines before bed, however, because this will cause the throat muscles to relax.
If none of these help enough, there are certain exercise programs which have been found to be extremely effective in controlling and even curing snoring. Certainly it is a good idea to use an exercise program to cure your snoring because the next step would be to seek medical help and treatments. Unfortunately, these medical solutions are often expensive, uncomfortable and not always effective.
Exercise programs have been effective for the majority of snorers. Why wouldn't you try to eliminate the underlying cause of your snoring yourself with simple life style changes and exercises before putting yourself through uncomfortable and even painful procedures, which are expensive and not guaranteed? Learn to take care of yourself. Take control of your snoring and make yourself and your sleeping partner happier and healthier.
Both Sarah Williams & Sheila Guilloton are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Sheila Guilloton has sinced written about articles on various topics from Marriage, Dental Practice and Small Business. Sheila Guilloton is the owner of Prestige Planners an agency specializing in the placement of health and dental insurance for over 12 years. For complete information on the care of your teeth and mouth, visit. Sheila Guilloton's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Sheila Guilloton to your Favourites.
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