Law of attraction includes the vibrations that correspond to the thought process of a person. All the experiences of our life are governed by our thoughts. We can have a control over our lives and the situations surrounding us through our thought process. There are subsequent positive or negative physical and emotional experiences related to our words, actions, beliefs and thoughts. You are what you think. We are responsible for all the circumstances in our lives.
The features of law of attraction are strong desire, faith, belief, spirituality, definite decision, sincere efforts, sense of gratitude and feeling of openness. The law of attraction also depends on prayers, satisfaction, happiness, enjoyment and positive thinking. The law of attraction and subconscious mind can help people greatly in achieving super successes. There are various tools and techniques for developing the subconscious mind and law of attraction. These include affirmation, creative visualization, emotional freedom, meditation and so on.
Creative Visualization Technique
Visualization can be used for improving production and performance. One gets worried in life and paints many negative images in the mind. It is advisable that one gets involved in the process of creative visualization by imagining positive things, images and events, so that one can get what one desires. These creative visualization techniques can help sportsmen to achieve wins, obese people in weight loss, speedy recovery of patients, and improvement of test scores and so on.
Emotional Freedom Technique
The emotional freedom technique is very helpful in changing life for the good. One can apply the universal laws for intentional creation of desired life. Emotional freedom technique is remarkable and incredible. A person needs to shake off past experiences and releases emotions. The limiting beliefs, limiting thoughts, negative thoughts are released to give way to positive vibrations. One has to accept and realize the unlimited potential of one's own self. You must realize that you have a right to all the good things in life and think that you were born in this world with the purpose of living a successful and prosperous life. You have to be positive and start accepting life with a cherished and positive outlook.
Affirmation is a technique involving repetition of positive statements. You can clearly define your desire and goal and affirm it in various ways. You can say it aloud to yourself or keep repeating mentally so that it is impressed upon your subconscious mind. You may write it repeatedly or act it out so that it is instilled in the subconscious mind. Keep your mind focused on your goal. Have faith and belief in your goal. You can achieve wonders by this technique.
Meditation Technique
Meditation is a powerful technique for law of attraction. One can distress oneself with meditation. Meditation helps a person to focus on goals. By meditating, a person is able to connect with the inner self. The meditation process helps in clearing the mind of all negative thoughts and leads to general well being of a person.
A Law Of Attraction
How can you tell when your frequency is high?
Usually you'll feel light, happy, purposeful, passionate, joyful, excited and peaceful. You know those days when you just seem to be buzzing with good feelings? Those are high frequency days, and on those days you hold IMMENSE creative power!
Perhaps you can remember specific times when your frequency seemed to rise without any conscious effort, like when you received some unexpected good news, ran into an old friend from high school or college - or those rare days when you happen to wake up in a good mood. These are great experiences - but the problem is that they don't include conscious control over your frequency. Is it even possible to raise your frequency on purpose? YES!
Below you'll find a few simple strategies that can quickly and easily get some good vibes flowing!
1) Get active. Brisk exercise is one of the best ways I've found to raise my frequency. Just 15-30 minutes of brisk walking or light weight training is enough to make me feel energetic, inspired and confident. I breathe deeply, work my muscles and release all stagnation that may be hanging around or within me. After the workout, I sit quietly and do an "energy session" where I visualize my desire(s) and generate some strong, positive energy to call them into my life. The result? I'm buzzing strongly with good vibes all day long - and attracting amazing experiences because of it.
2) Get passionate. I'm blessed with a career that I'm very passionate about so I'm flowing feelings of excitement and passion all day long! However, if your job doesn't inspire passion or enthusiasm, you may need to make some changes. You could change jobs, obviously, or you could spend more of your free time doing things you really enjoy. When was the last time you did something that really inspired you? Make it a habit to spend time on activities that fulfill your heart and soul - and your frequency will automatically begin to rise!
3) Get positive! Positive thoughts trigger positive feelings, which raise your frequency. Make it a daily habit to seek out information that will help you think and feel more positive. Read inspiring books and web sites, reflect on positive quotations - and avoid negative input as much as possible! Just a few minutes of negative information can drag your energy down like you wouldn't believe. But just a few minutes of positive input can elevate them powerfully! Make it your mission to seek out the positive stuff on a regular basis, and you'll soon find it much easier to create and maintain a high energetic frequency.
The biggest problem many people have with maintaining a high frequency is that they don't realize it's truly within their control. They find themselves being tossed around by external influences, running the gamut from anger to frustration to resentment to powerlessness.
TAKE CONTROL of your frequency by consciously choosing your focus. Believe me, you'll thank yourself for it later when you're swimming in a sea of joy, abundance, peace and contentment!
Both Stephen Campbell & Wendy Betterini are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Wendy Betterini has sinced written about articles on various topics from Psychology, Wellness and Self Improvement and Motivation. Still struggling to get the Law of Attraction working for you? Visit LOA Insights today for tons of great articles and information about deliberate creation. Be sure to s. Wendy Betterini's top article generates over 135000 views. Bookmark Wendy Betterini to your Favourites.
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