With so many marketing methods available, a new internet marketer often gets confused. Most of the new internet marketers are on low budget and work part time on their online ventures. That means they do not have money to outsource their marketing and they do not have a lot of time with them too.
But one thing is clear. Most of them would want to do it themselves. In addition to this, most of them would not have any business background. That means they need to learn everything.
They need to master and apply everything within the scope of their time and budget.
However, in their enthusiasm, they try doing everything and virtually end up doing and achieving nothing. This builds frustration and road to failure.
Here are few tips to help you plan and execute a better marketing.
Be Practical: If you are going to do all by yourself, then you need to be be realistic and patient. You would need to learn about things and then learn about applying them to your business. Because you will take some time to master the art of each method, your results would be slow initially. You would make mistake, you will need to revise and redo the things. You need to be quite patient with every new method you start with.
Do not let your expectations jump when you start a new experimentation with a method. Be patient and you will start seeing the results.
Stick To One At A Time: It is true that more marketing methods you use effectively, more traffic you get. But the catch is the effective use.
Do not start with many marketing projects at a time. It is very tempting but do not do it. Instead, choose one method, learn it, master it to full extent, automate it to maximum and then move to next.
I say this because if you start with many campaigns together, you would not be able to carry them together until you master all. That takes a lot of time and results would be quite delayed.
Plan and Execute: Plan each marketing method in detail. For example, if you are beginning with article marketing then you must plan in advance your strategy for that marketing. You must make a plan that includes time for learning all aspects, number of articles you would write per day, list of article directories you would submit your articles and time you would devote for everything.
Analyze The Results: Analyze the results of your efforts frequently. This would tell you how effective your marketing had been. Analyze the gaps and weak points. Improve your performance and analyze again. Repeat the process regularly.
Keep Adding New: Once you have mastered one method and that is being used effectively, it is time to add another one in. Repeat the same process with new one and then move to third one.
One final point, it depends on you which one to choose first. In my view it could be any one but you should always choose the one which you understand easily and would master with little effort.
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Lean Six Sigma practitioners have faith in it as a culture that aims at continuous improvement of the working environment and the work conditions. The philosophy is applicable to any aspect of life. 5S refers to the five structured principles of seire, seiton, seison, seiketsu and shitsuke.
Translated, they mean sort, systematize, sweep (shine), standardize and self-discipline. All these terms are self-explanatory. Even if you take them in a daily simple scenario of tidying up your home, you will find that you are doing the same thing.
The first thing that is done is a sorting out of all items. They should be arranged systematically or categorized. Then the entire area needs to be cleaned.
The last step is to apply self discipline to maintain it.
The first S stands for Seiri, or Sort, where you sort out the contents of the work area. You look around and differentiate from needed, not needed and not frequently needed items. You need to find who is responsible for the item, and classify them by frequency of use.
In this phase, the red tagging of items is important. Unnecessary items should be either sent for disposal if no further use is found. If they are items that are required only sporadically, they can be put into a place marked for storage.
All items with no value ought to be discarded.
This is the most important phase, where items are arranged systematically. With due consideration to workflow, decide which item is to be placed at which location. They should be placed in such a manner that they can be retrieved in 30 seconds.
A clear list of items and their locations should be in a visible area, such as a cabinet, and each cabinet labeled that indicates what is stored.
In this stage, the cleaning activity is made a habit. When the workplace is cleaned daily, all items are inspected, and those that may be contaminated or need preventive action are determined.
A log should be maintained to describe the problem area. In addition to this, there should be a weekly review of the levels of implementation.
In this stage, the standardization of the processes is done. Visual controls and guidelines are maintained to achieve a high standard of housekeeping.
Standardization of cleaning procedures and schedules from a check sheet prepared in the previous stage is done.
An evaluation of the progress and the level of implementation is also necessary.
Self-Discipline, or Sustain
Training and discipline are important. Periodical checks by management and the involvement and dedication of all employees will ensure that the 5S culture is sustained. Owners should be responsible for the maintenance of their work areas.
The application of 5S increases the morale of the employees and helps increase their efficiency. Waste is reduced and better quality is achieved. 5S is a culture which should be embraced by everyone in the organization.
Both Arun Pal Singh & Tony Jacowski are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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