Perhaps the greatest piece of advice that can be given when it comes to creating a professional cover letter is that you should avoid taking yourself too seriously when writing one. Hiring managers want to hire people that will not only do a great job but will also be a good fit with the other personalities on staff and involved in the many projects that will be assigned throughout the years. No one wants to work with Mr. or Mrs. all boring, all the time. In other words, let a little bit of your own personality shine through without being overly informal.
Do not use your cover letter as an opportunity to impress the hiring manager with your impressive vocabulary or make them head for the dictionary in order to translate. Make your cover letter personable and natural sounding. Write your cover letter as though you were actually meeting the hiring manager for the first time and remember that there are rarely opportunities for second chances to make that first impression when you botch your cover letter.
You should also make a point of adding a little bit of ?Wow? factor to your cover letter whenever possible. If you are passionate about your line of work let that show through in your cover letter. Chances are that your passion for the work will be contagious at best and at the very least show through in your words and invite further consideration on the part of those sifting through the cover letters seeking the perfect candidate for those oh so few positions that are available.
Do not limit your cover letter to being a dry run for your resume. Allow your resume to speak for itself and list your skills and accomplishments. Use your cover letter to allow the hiring managers to get to know you as a person. In other words, don't rehash your resume in your cover letter. Tell the hiring manager about yourself, show him how you could benefit his company and that you would be an asset to their organization because of your passion for the product, your sense of humor, or your quick whit to get through those long hours working into the night or endless take out sandwiches instead of a lunch hour. Make him want to read your resume through the personality possessed within the cover letter.
By allowing a little bit of your personality to shine through when writing your cover letter you are not only inviting the hiring manager to read your resume but also giving her the opportunity to gauge how well your personality will fit with the other members of the team or organization you will be joining. For this reason it is important to be as natural as possible when creating your cover letter. You do not want to come across as false, nor do you want to come across as one who is far too serious to lighten the mood when the need arises. You should make sure to keep bawdy humor or references that are in poor taste from coming through as those will definitely have opposite of the desired effect. You do want to maintain a professional level of communication but avoid being too dry.
One other very important thing to remember when creating a professional cover letter is that you want it to be free of mistakes and misspellings. This is your first impression for the hiring manager and you want it to be a shining example of who you are professionally as well as personally. If you turn in a resume that is filled with typos and grammatical mistakes you will come across as sloppy and unprofessional. No one wants to hire someone that isn't going to go the extra mile to make themselves?and by extension the company they work for?look good on paper.
The keys to a professional strength professional cover letter are: conveying the strength of your personality through the language used, make the hiring manager want to read your resume, and proving that you are going to go the extra mile in order to present yourself and the company you work for in the best possible light. Pay attention to the small details, let your personality shine through, and invite further contact (in the form of an interview) in your cover letter and you should be well on your way.
A Professional Cover Letter
When you encounter the term professional, you might think about stiff men and women in pressed white cotton suits, tailored jackets, and expensive, uncomfortable shoes. You might imagine them to be in a boardroom, discussing a boring subject with even more boring tones. You could be hypnotized by their lifelessness, wooed to sleep by their austerity, and perhaps boggled by their deep words. For many naïve readers, professional is often equated with boring.
True professionalism, however, is far from being boring. It is being able to rise to the occasion and deliver quality work even before it is demanded. It is being able to think on your toes without losing your sense of tact, and with the same politeness as you would manifest in less exigent situations. It is being able to show excitement even when working on a potentially boring project – and being able to make anything boring exciting!
A professional cover letter, therefore, is not boring, deep, or stiff. It is written in an exciting but tactful tone, and it sounds exactly like you. In fact, the more natural the cover letter, the more convinced the prospective employer is that you are confident about your abilities and do not need language to conceal any weaknesses. A professional cover letter should also reflect the passion you have for your chosen career, and your personality. If you don't want boring friends, then what makes you think that your prospective employer would want boring employees?
A professional cover letter should have a personal touch to it. Before writing the letter, make sure you know exactly who will hire you: get the person's name, contact information, and position in the company. This will help you in making your address, and in showing the prospective employer how resourceful you can be. By finding out a person's name and keeping away from the generic “To whom it may concern,” you have already won your prospective employer's attention.
Keep the attention going by knowing the goals of the company, and showing that you are just the person to meet them. All companies have their own goals, missions, visions, and plans for change – and all this information is available on their online websites. Read all about the company to which you are applying: what makes it special? What products and services does it offer? Where does the company plan to be in the next five to ten years? Make your goals resonate with your prospective employer, and you could increase your chances of getting the job.
Retain the attention of your prospective employer by being brief and to the point. Enumerate your achievements and show why you are best suited for the job, but avoid gushing about anything or making promises that you are not sure you can keep. Remember that your prospective employer has to wade through tons of application letters, and is working on many other important projects and documents while he or she is looking at your cover letter. You need only a few words to make yourself heard, so use your powers of brevity and wit to win the prospective employer over.
End your letter with your signature, along with important contact information. Encourage the prospective employer to interview you: you want your letter to have an active, not a passive voice, which is what many employers look for in the people that they hire. Be sure, moreover, that your contact information is valid: your email address should be typed correctly, and you should be prepared to receive calls when they come in.
A professional cover letter is not boring or staid at all. It is your chance to shine in the midst of all the other applicants for the job, so take your chance carefully and wisely. Show your wisdom, don't sell yourself short, and finally, be your professional self.
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