Planning a vacation as a Valentine's Day gift is an excellent gift idea for couples who have been dating for awhile and are looking for a really fun and unique gift. Whether you plan a weeklong vacation in an exotic location or a weekend getaway near your home, you and your date can have a great time as long as you do a little advanced planning to make sure the whole trip runs smoothly. This article will provide information for those who want to plan a Valentine's Day vacation but are just not sure exactly how to go about planning this type of trip.
The first thing to consider is the relationship and whether or not your partner will view a vacation as an appropriate Valentine's Day gift. This is important for a number of reasons. First of all even a short weekend getaway is likely to be significantly more expensive than the typical Valentine's Day gifts such as flowers and candy. If you and your partner have not been dating for long, your partner may feel as though this type of gift is a little too much.
Another thing you should carefully consider is whether or not your partner will be comfortable traveling with you. If you have taken trips together before it should be no problem but if you have not and you have not discussed the possibility of vacationing together you and your partner may not be on the same page with the subject. For example you might assume it will be acceptable for you and your partner to share a room on the vacation but your partner may assume there will be separate accommodations. To be safe you should discuss this issue with your partner before planning the trip. It will ruin some of the element of surprise but it will also help to avoid a potentially awkward and uncomfortable situation.
Work schedules should also be carefully considered when planning a Valentine's Day vacation. You may have a great deal of vacation time to use and may be able to do so at short notice but your partner may not have the same luxury. If your partners schedule is variable or you do not know about the vacation policy at your partner's place of employment it might be best to verify the potential dates with your partner before making any solid plans. You can either choose to include your partner in the vacation planning or you can just discuss the dates with your partner ahead of time and keep the rest of the plans a surprise.
The vacation destination should also be carefully considered when planning a Valentine's Day vacation. Presumably you are planning the vacation as a gift for your partner. Therefore the location you choose should be a location your partner will really enjoy. For example, a vacation on an exotic beach might sound great to you but if your partner does not like the ocean or the beach, it might be a good idea to choose another type of location. Likewise you may think a week in a rustic cabin in the woods is incredibly romantic but if your partner is not used to this type of travel and is not the type to enjoy outdoor experiences it might not be an enjoyable trip for your partner.
Finally, when planning a Valentine's Day vacation you should give some careful consideration to the budget for the trip. The budget should depend on both your financial resources as well as the depth of the relationship. You may be very wealthy and have a great deal of money to spend on your partner but unless it is a rather solid relationship this type of extravagant gift might not be appropriate. Conversely you may have a very small budget and want to do something really nice for your partner on Valentine's Day. In this case you can search for affordable weekend getaways which will be really special without causing you to go well over your budget for Valentine's Day.
A Valentines Day Heart
When Valentine Day rolls around there are many last minute stampedes to get the perfect gift for your honey. Did you ever think that is why every grocery store and gas station stocks up and counts on that last minute sale? The result is that you overspend to compensate for forgetting and end up buying something meaningless. A little bit of planning this year can result in a delightful night of romance.Both women and men liked to be surprised so often the simplest gift can be the most meaningful. If you are going to give flowers instead of buying the tried and true roses, buy something fun like tulips or Gerber daisies and send them to the office for maximum impact. Tickets to that special game or show are more fun delivered when they are least expected, perhaps in a gym bag or brief case. Make some plans to spice up your lunch or dinner plans. How about showing up at the office with a picnic basket for two? Use your imagination to host a cozy dinner at home. Make it a themed dinner, maybe Italian and set the mood with creative tableware, wine, dinner and dessert. Or have the dinner catered, complete with musical entertainment and answer the door dressed in a tuxedo or cocktail dress. Getaways can be nice and certainly reasonably priced. Why not plan a day at the zoo, the museum or a short getaway you need not go far. Draw a circle on a map 75 miles out from your home and start planning a trip. Do something sweet and inexpensive like planning a film festival. Get one or two of your sweeties all time favorite movies, make a simple dinner and popcorn and you're set for the evening. If you long for more, a spa day for two is relaxing and soothing. Bed and Breakfast are all the rage but for a different kind of getaway try one of the several water parks around the area. A different kind of action from the adventurous ski weekend or a reality athletics competition would be an overnight trip to a luxurious hotel a short drive away.Now if all of these ideas are not what you want, perhaps a gift purchase is what you need. The standard is usually items of clothing or jewelry. Those are certainly nice but let's think out of the box. If you know your significant other's personality why not have a piece of jewelry or clothing designed exclusively for them. There are many up and coming designers that would love a chance to show off their creative talent and are quite economical. A one-of-a-kind gift, like this, is always special and one that will not be forgotten. If your special guy or girl is artistic why not commission a piece of glass or a song for them. The gift will be a reminder of the special bond you share and you can present the offering along with breakfast in bed.Gifts are meant to come from the heart and sometimes the right old-fashioned hearts and flowers card will strike the right cord. The optimal thing to remember is to start early planning your gift ideas. The last minute just doesn't do it anymore.Be a hero this Valentine's Day and set your special partner's heart aflutter with a momentous present that will overwhelm them with your thoughtfulness.
Both Ryan Smith & Pat Nowak are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Ryan Smith has sinced written about articles on various topics from Valentines Day, Dating and Romance and SEO Articles. Ryan Smith is the owner of MyCirclePal.Com, one of the Net's hottest community and social neworking sites! Post your free profile today at Ryan Smith's top article generates over 33100 views. Bookmark Ryan Smith to your Favourites.
Pat Nowak has sinced written about articles on various topics from Valentines Day, Entertainment Guide. Pat Nowak is a renowned author, speaker, and life coach for the person who becomes suddenly single through death or divorce. Nowak is the author of The ABCs of Widowhood a book of practical advice in an easy to read format for those who face one of life's. Pat Nowak's top article generates over 480 views. Bookmark Pat Nowak to your Favourites.
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