Go to any gym or to your last social party and some person with spit out some urban legend as it relates to health, fitness, or weight loss. So many wise tales have been passed down from generations and especially on college campuses that we start to take them as fact. So, we have list 5 of the top urban myths around health and dieting to see do they tread water or not. Who hasn't thought that alcohol kills brain cells?
Urban Health and Fitness Myth or Fact
1. Inactivity turns muscle into fat: Almost Fact
a. The reality is that muscle and fat are two very different tissues with in the body. No, muscle can't turn into the fat though a sedentary lifestyle will cause your muscles to burn less calories. The fewer calories your muscles burn the greater amounts of fat a person will store. The correct statement is with inactivity fat replaces muscle. This is another way of saying you have a slow metabolism.
2. Women are going to get drunk quicker than Men: Fact
a. The key difference is body weight. The average male has more weight than the average female. The extra weight results in greater amounts of water in male bodies. The extra water lower the concentration of alcohol for men allowing them to stave off impairment longer. Another key difference is men has high amounts of gastric alcohol dehydrogenase, which breaks down alcohol is the liver. This allows men to break down more alcohol leaving less in the blood stream.
3. Drinking Alcohol Loses Brain Cells: Myth
a. Alcohol won't make you dumber though you may act dumber. Even binge drinkers are not going to kill brain cells. Studies have shown that heavy drinkers have the same amount of brain cells as the non drinker. Alcohol can kill brain cells though the amounts are too high to consume. You won't pass out or stop breathing before you would kill any cells.
4. Holiday 5 Pounds is a given: Myth
a. People don't gain an average of 5 pounds during the holidays. The average person gains about 1 pound over the 6 weeks from Thanksgiving to New Years. This isn't that different than the weight, from poor food diet and fitness choices that the average American gains at any point in time. The big reason we think about is that come January 1st we are making New Years resolutions and we are thinking about our weight more.
5. Drink green tea to lose weight: Myth
a. Many products and marketing are stating all the weight loss benefits of green tea. Green tea extract has been demonstrated to support weight loss and support increase in calorie burning from your metabolism. The amounts in the tea you drink are too low in concentration though to make much difference. You can still get the antioxidant properties of green tea in your drink though weight loss not much. If you want the benefits of green tea for weight loss you will have to go with nutritional supplements which deliver high concentrations.
Every myth or urban legend typically has some sort of truth to them. The issue it typically isn't exactly the way people think. The goal with any myth passed down is to do your homework.
Copyright (c) 2007 Al Short
About Health And Fitness
Aside from the daily personality and motivational guides read from you horoscope, there are yet more things that your astrological sign can provide you. Your string association with the movements of each star, planet and other terrestrial bodies will bring more direction as to what, when and which path should your spiritual, emotional, social and physical needs be leading you.
Every accurate and proper interpretation of your star signs connection opens more positive and viable choices for a perfect decision making. Some of these options are for your health and fitness lifestyle where only a adept and professional astrologer can particulate accurately.
You might notice that however harder a person tries to alter his/her eating habit, there still rare chances of success as to meet the goal. Especially those who have problems with obesity, the emotional difficulty to resist their usual needs further weakens their drive to go on. These individuals common dilemma is not how will they do their fitness program but when and why. Some say that a sin from gluttony is harder to repent than adultery since eating can either be badly needed or badly wanted by a person.
Inspiration or emotional drive is proven stronger as basis for a successful fitness program. But wrong timing and faulty input of requirements lessens the quality of living as the person may omit or sacrifice some other important roles in his/her life. A person might jeopardize his love life because of unbalanced time allotted between his partner and to his fitness gym. A girl might overdone her workout and end up with her partner's insecurity because he might not understand her fitness objectives.
All these kind of flaws that mislead a healthy and happy lifestyle to an obsessive narcissism can be avoided through health and fitness astrology. Say, from the reflected possible mood your star signs interpreted, professional astrologer would simulate the data to specify your possible trait towards a food, activity or fitness routine. They would give you the best possible outcomes from a positive and even instructive advices regarding health and fitness. Even a highly cognitive astrologer, who is apparently rare, would particulate the single effect of each food intake to an individual just from the movements and description of star signs associated with him/her.
Both Al Short & Raphnix are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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