It's easy to get stuck for a really unique gift idea, especially when shopping for older family members. Chances are, the man or woman who has everything probably doesn't need a foot massager or another bathrobe. You need to branch out to find a one-of-a-kind gift that reflects your roots, and leaves the recipient delighted.
Family tree platters can make excellent all-occasion gifts for just about anyone. Mother's Day, Grandmother's birthday, Christmas, anniversaries and Chanukah are just a few of the many special occasions that deserve to be marked with a unique gift. A family tree platter can also make a memorable wedding gift as two families become one.
Tree platters are growing in popularity as more and more people look for ways to explore their history and leave a meaningful heirloom for future generations. Families these days can fan literally across the globe, so it's more important than ever to make a special family tree. A platter is a wonderful keepsake to celebrate the many branches of your family tree.
Platters are available in all shapes and sizes. The family "tree" that adorns them can be custom designed to accommodate your unique family. Larger families need many details incorporated into the design. If you think your family is too small to fill a platter, you'd be surprised at how few leaves are needed to create a beautiful tree. These gorgeous keepsakes can range from dinner plate to large platter size, and can be created using specific colours to suit the wishes of a family looking for something really different. The design options are only limited by your imagination and desire.
In most cases, where the platter is custom made for you, the design can be added to as your family grows. Another less expensive option is to choose a pre-made platter and have your family names added to it. Some people choose to splurge and have the platter decorated with a wedding or family group photo.
However you choose to decorate your "tree", a personalized family tree platter will make the perfect gift for anyone that cherishes their roots and values the generations to come.
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