How much do you know about the Civil War? Can you name intense battles that occurred during the struggle? What areas of the United States were home to the bloodiest Civil War battles? The Civil War had a profound effect on the United States society, beliefs, and actions. It is important to understand the role the Civil War played in the interactions of cultures and industry today.
You might have touched upon the Civil War in your high school History class. However, in college you majored in mathematics or engineering and your history repertoire fell by the way side. Don't fret. You can make up for your lost history knowledge by learning about the Civil War from audio books. Audio learning is great because you don't have to spend hours reading thick textbooks on the subject. You can listen while you clean your house or enjoy lemonade and sandwiches on your back porch.
Let's assume that you scratch your head when asked any questions about the Civil War. If that's the case then you will want to start by listening to "Don't Know Much about the Civil War" by Kenneth C. Davis. This audio book covers basic information about the Civil War. In addition it answers detailed questions involving the Gettysburg Address, Robert E. Lee, and the Emancipation Proclamation. You will understand the components of the Civil War by listening to this title which is available in audio CD, audio cassette and digital download formats.
Once you know the general aspects of the Civil War take time to listen to a documentary chronicling the Civil War. You can do this by listening to "The Civil War Collection" from Topics Entertainment. Audience members ranging from history enthusiasts to those new to the history of the Civil War will be in awe at the comprehensive timeline presented. It will take you from the start of the war through the very end.
Another great title to add to your Civil War collection is "The Civil War: A Narrative, Volume I" by Shelby Foote. Learn about battles, issues, and conflicts from Fort Sumter to Perryville. This is an intriguing listen as the story is related through the point of view of its own characters. This makes the reader feel close to and engrossed in the story. Follow up this first comprehensive narrative with "The Civil War: A Narrative, Volume II" and "The Civil War: A Narrative, Volume III", also by Shelby Foote.
An exciting opportunity to listen to the experiences of those directly associated with the Civil War is available to you. Listen to "The Last Civil War Widows" by Joe Richman. These two women married Civil War soldiers that were much older then they were. They married into history and give accounts of their husband's experiences in the war. Take advantage of the unique opportunity to learn more then just the explanations of historians. Listen to the Civil War insiders themselves.
Brush up on your Civil War history by listening to these audio books. This will help you to jump in on the all-too-common dinner party discussion about the Civil War where you can discuss the battles with confidence and astound your friends with your historical knowledge.
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