The incidence of mesothelioma has increased rapidly in New York for several reasons. One of these is the destruction of the World Trade Center, which released thousands of pounds of asbestos dust into the air. Anyone in the vicinity of the towers when they were destroyed is likely to have breathed some of this in, and is in danger of contracting mesothelioma. Unfortunately this is not he only source of asbestos poisoning, and many buildings that are still inhabited or being demolished are slowly leaking this deadly dust into the air.
So what is mesothelioma? It is a particular type of cancer that develops in the membranes of the lungs, heart and chest cavity. It can lead to inflexibility of the membranes, fluid buildup, internal bleeding and ulcers, but the one outcome of mesothelioma that is certain is death. There is no known cure or even an effective treatment, and all patients who contract this disease die within at least six months. Patients have been known to live to five years, but this is entirely unlikely.
Mesothelioma symptoms can vary, but most are respiratory in nature. They can include - but are not limited to - tightness in the chest, fluid buildup in the lungs or chest cavity, blood in the lung sputum, trouble breathing, fatigue, drowsiness, headaches and nausea. Many of these symptoms can present as a result of other illnesses that are far more common and less severe. The instance of lung cancer related to smoking is as high as 1 in every 1000 people in some states, while mesothelioma affects an average of only four people in every million.
As a result of the extremely small incidence of mesothelioma, diagnosis of this deadly disease is not easy. This is one of the contributing factors towards the high mortality rate for this disease, but a lot of doctors believe that once the asbestos contamination develops into mesothelioma there is nothing that can be done. The cancer is usually metastatic, which means that as soon as it becomes advanced enough it will move. If it starts in the bowel the tumors can reach the size of golf balls before they begin to cause discomfort. This is one of the reasons that mesothelioma diagnosis is so difficult.
Although it is little consolation to those living with mesothelioma you could be awarded a famous "mesothelioma settlement" if it can be proven that you condition is linked to previous exposure. This is a simple task of taking a biopsy from the area, and doctors can normally determine conclusively whether your mesothelioma resulted from asbestos, and possibly even where that asbestos came from! A top mesothelioma lawyer in New York can help you to win a large cash settlement if you have been the victim of asbestos neglect.
A mesothelioma lawsuit does not have to be a long and drawn out affair, and the clear-cut nature of these situations normally means that a mesothelioma attorney can arrange a settlement for you out of court. This can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, but certain law firms give the highest priority to mesothelioma cases because of the short life expectancy of those living with this disease. They believe that you should be able to enjoy your compensation, and they will make every effort to secure it as soon as possible.
The Johnson Law Group are passionate about mesothelioma cases, and are dedicated to securing the best cash settlements possible. If you do not want an annuity payment or structured settlement, then we will fight harder on your behalf and plead that your situation requires immediate compensation. Because the nature of a mesothelioma lawsuit you are far more likely to receive a lump sum payment than monthly or quarterly payments which will be of little use to your and your family.
If you are living with mesothelioma the Johnson Law Group expresses its deepest sympathy. We extend our hand to help you to fight against those responsible for your exposure to the deadly chemical asbestos and your subsequent ill health. There is no reason to keep quiet, and you can help to give thousands of other mesothelioma sufferers and their families hope by standing up against irresponsible landlords and industrial corporations.
Mesothelioma is only a killer in our country because of neglect, and if enough awareness is raised we can make sure that nobody has to suffer from this disease in our country. Call the Johnson Law Group today to lodge your claim and file a mesothelioma lawsuit.
Accident Lawyer In New York
Couples marry with the intention of staying with each other and being there with their spouse through thick and thin. However, as the saying goes, Man proposes and God disposes, and at times it may happen that the couple may decide to separate legally through a divorce. A divorce is one of the most unfortunate events that one may have to undergo in their life and this will bring about some major changes in their lives. Now, a divorce is something which is unforeseen and it is very difficult to stay prepared to face any unforeseen situation. However, there is something that can be done for this and that is, to sign a prenuptial agreement with your to-be spouse before the wedding. This is a pre-wedding arrangement signed by the couple, with the help of legal professionals that list how things will be done, if the couple decides to separate at later stage due to any reasons. You just have to make sure that everything is included in the prenuptial agreement, so that things do not get complicated if you decide to get a divorce after all.
A prenup lawyer New York, will help you draw up the agreement which you and your to-be spouse will have to sign, before your actual legal union. A prenuptial agreement is a document drawn and signed up, in the presence of authorized personnel where the couple decides the outlines on the basis of which; they would divide the financial aspects of their marriage, if they decide to get a divorce. Division of property and assets can become a major bone of contention in any divorce case and if there are children involved in this, the division becomes all the more tricky. The agreement will ensure that you are not cheated out of your rightful claim and also that of your children, and you do not have to suffer financially after the divorce.
You must be thinking that drawing up a prenuptial agreement is not for you but only couples who are not sure about their intentions and feelings for each other. If you are feeling so, you are wrong; this is just an agreement to safeguard your interests if at all, things do not work out. It is not to scrutinize the loyalty and integrity of the couple, but just a smart move that can save them lots of tensions and worries, later on. It may always happen that someone may wind up making a wrong choice, as far as choosing a life partner is concerned, so this is the only means through which you can safeguard against this.
There are several prenup lawyers who operate in and around New York City, so it will not be a gigantic task to find out a prenup lawyer New York. You can take the help of the internet and the local yellow pages, to find the lawyer. You just need to do some background study about the prenup lawyer to find out about his reputation and also his success rate. You must seriously consider this option and do it before you get married.
Damey Flower has sinced written about articles on various topics from Mesothelioma Lawyer, Divorce and Infidelity. Damyel Flower is an exprienced divorce lawyer.He has successfully handled many divorce cases.He gives advice to clients who are looking for Bookmark Damey Flower to your Favourites.
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