Having Acid in the paper materials you use for your scrapbook page layouts will speed up deterioration of the photos. Therefore always check that any products are clearly labelled 'Acid-free' otherwise they will not be photo safe. Acid is used in the majority of paper resources. Over time it causes a reaction that breaks apart the wood and lignin fibres that hold paper together.
Similarly, using lignin free products will also keep your scrapbook page layout in pristine condition. Lignin is a natural bonding material that trees contain. Over time paper that contains lignin will discolour and turn yellow and may be also become brittle.
Although most paper products manufactured today are lignin free it is well worth double checking to ensure your scrapbook page layouts remain as beautiful and vibrant as the day they were made.
When buying a scrapbook to use for your scrapbook page layouts always ensure the sheet protectors are acid free. Sheet protectors are plastic sleeves where you can place your scrapbook pages into. These are usually top or side loading and once inside your will be able to see your scrapbook ideas come to life and will not have to worry about the pages becoming damaged.
Although most recognised brands will always have page protectors that are acid free, the problem normally arises when you decide to purchase additional page protectors to add to the scrapbook. This is in particular a time when you should double check to see if there is any acid content and if it ends up costing you a little more it will be well worth it in the long run.
If you are adding ticket stubs, programmes or any special memento that you know contains acid but simply must be included in your scrapbook, you can purchase a spray neutralizer which coats the item and neutralizes the acid level limiting the risk of discoloration or your scrapbook page layouts deteriorating.
If you are unsure if products you are using for your scrapbook page layouts are acid-free you can invest in a special pen that will be able to tell you if the product is acid free. Again this is worth the extra cost of buying the pen as there is nothing worse than spending hours creating stunning scrapbook pages that will eventually discolour and deteriorate over time.
These special acid test pens are available at a large range of craft stores and will test the PH levels of any product you want to add to your pages.
Once purchased you will have the peace of mind that any items you add to your scrapbook pages are acid free and will not damage your photos.
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