For one that suffers from acid reflux for a lifetime, it can contribute to some serious conditions. Acid comes up in the esophagus, scars and burns the walls. Food continues down this path, irritating the ulcerated surface, affecting the movement of esophageal contractions; this all adds to the problem.
Infants and children who have Acid reflux may not vomit, but may still have stomach contents that move up the food pipe and spill over into the windpipe and affect the lungs. Asthma, pneumonia, and even SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) can happen. Infants and children with reflux who vomit frequently may display unsatisfactory growth.
Stomach fluids that reflux into the esophagus damage the cells lining the esophagus. The body typically then reacts with inflammation and this is called Erosive Esophagitis. .
Ulcers and the additional associated inflammation gives rise to bleeding into the esophagus. Sometimes, the bleeding can be severe and may cause severe anemia and require transfusions of blood and endoscopic or surgical treatments.
Because of the scar tissue and ulceration, there is a narrowing of the food pipe. This prevents the easy passage of food, makes swallowing difficult, and can also cause breathing problems- like shortness of breath and wheezing.
After being subjected to gastric acid reflux for such a long time, the cells in the lining of the esophageal wall can change. The cells in the walls can become pre-cancerous, then later cancerous. This condition (Barrett's esophagus) occurs in roughly 10% of all acid reflux patients. There are more and more people being diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus today.
Finally, there are a bunch of nerves in the lower part of the Esophagus, which get disturbed by the Acid Reflux flushing back. This sometimes result in a pain we call heartburn; other times, these nerves transmit the disturbance to some other nerves, that cause constriction of the lung airways, and cough, causing the patient to get breathless.
Acid Reflux Symptoms Throat
You've seen the advertisements: Acid reflux is a horrible disease that can cause damage to the
Esophagus and lead to cancer. Are these claims realistic, or simply exaggerated to sell over?
The counter medications? The fact is that doctors don't even agree on the causes, treatments,
And long-term risks related to heartburn, so you can believe what you want about the ads.
Heartburn is the uncomfortable feeling resulting from acid reflux, or GERD, gastro esophageal
Reflux disease (try saying that out loud a few times). It can feel like a burning sensation
(Hence, the name), but can also feel like pressure in the chest, which is why it is sometimes
Confused with feelings associated with heart attacks.
Acid reflux occurs when the muscle between the stomach and the esophagus gets weak or relaxes
At the wrong time. The result is that the stomach contents, including the acid, move up into
The esophagus. Because the esophagus doesn't have the protective lining that the stomach
Does, the acid literally burns the esophagus.
What Works?
Several non-prescription drugs may be effective for mild to moderate acid reflux,
Such as antacids, which neutralize stomach acids? These include well-known over the counter
Medications such as Tums and Rolaids. Another option is H2 receptor antagonists, which reduce
The production of stomach acids. These include Axed AR, Pepsi AC, Tag met HB, and Zantac 75.
Pepsi complete is the only of these that combines an antacid with an H2 receptor antagonist.
Which is the best treatment? One study found that Pepsi complete performed better than either
An antacid alone or an H2 receptor antagonist alone.
Prescription drugs prescribed to treat acid reflux are called proton-pump inhibitors. These
Include Cipher, Medium, Prefaced, Propose, and Proton. While these are equally effective,
One study did find that Medium may heal esophageal sores faster.
Homeopathic Remedies
Combined with homeopathic remedies, heartburn may be treated effectively
With less reliance on over the counter or prescription medications. Together, these solutions
May provide the answers where just one solution fails to deliver on the promise.
Natural options that may help reduce GERD include deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), which may
Bring fast relief and help heal damaged lining. Aloe Vera juice may also act quickly to bring
Relief. For those with chronic problems, Gamma-oregano (rice bran oil) may be useful, as could
Chorine, antithetic acid, and thiamin. These natural solutions may provide more effective
Short-term relief as well as provide long-term dietary benefits.
Why Try a Homeopathic Remedy?
The benefits of natural solutions is that they are often less
Costly and reduce the chances of becoming reliant on a particular solution. Natural solutions
Include treating the cause as much as the affect and experimenting with diet and alternative
Treatments may help lessen the cause of the problem. Additionally, all of the homeopathic
Remedies mentioned above can be used along with over the counter or prescription medications.
Does Acid Reflux Cause Cancer?
Studies on acid reflux and cancer vary. One study showed that
Chronic acid reflux increased the chances of esophageal cancer by as much as eight times.
Another study determined that the risk of cancer is not nearly as much as was once thought.
Chronic acid reflux can lead to Barrett's esophagus, or BE, which has been thought to lead to
An increase in cancer. A study conducted by a group of medical doctors found that the risk of
Cancer from BE is not as much as previously thought, stating that BE will not cause cancer for
Most people.
What is not questioned is whether or not acid reflux is uncomfortable. Chronic GERD is
Difficult to live with, and experimenting with both traditional medications and natural
Remedies may be the best solution. As research continues on the causes and affects of GERD,
Additional options are likely to come along.
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Both Frank Robson & G.entp19 are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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