For years now we have been seeing acne remedy ads on TV that all claimed to cure acne with benzoil peroxide and the fact is that they were telling the truth, sort of. Benzoil peroxide is effective, because it wipes out acne causing bacteria on contact deep down inside the pores of the skin as well as on the skins surface.
The one thing that these ads fail to mention though is that benzoil peroxide because it is a powerful chemical, has some very drastic side effects and this is why you have seen acne sufferers that have red dry cracked skin but no acne pimples. It simply replaces one problem with another. If the benzoil peroxide treatment is stopped to address the damaged skin problem the acne comes right back immediately, because the dry cracked skin can't protect itself from bacteria invasion.
Proactiv Solution is different from all the other acne treatments,because it was developed by two leading dermatologists that themselves had acne. It has benzoil peroxide in it, because it is the strongest acne fighting chemical that is available, but Proactiv Solution also treats the skin to counteract the harmful side effects of this active ingredient.
Acne sufferers really want their skin back to the way it was before they came down with acne not just the acne removed and replaced by dry, red cracked skin. Proactiv Solution is a three step acne treatment process that cleans and sterilizes skin while opening pores and removing dead skin cells with the first step. Also in this first step benzoil peroxide is forced down deep into the skins pores to do its job on the bacteria that dwell there.
The second step of the treatment takes place immediately afterwards and it is a total skin treatment that uses an alcohol free skin moisturizer and ph balancing agent to rescue the skin from the harmful effects of the benzoil peroxide. The third step of the treatment then treats the skin to restore its elasticity and outer glow and at the same time leaves it with an invisible micro-thin coating of bacteria zapping acne medication. The end result is dead bacteria, acne gone and great fresh great looking skin.
Acne Clear Free Skin Treatment
There are a lot of misconceptions about acne as well as the skin treatment associated with it. Because of this, a lot of people actually worsen their acne thus leading to bigger problems. These misconceptions are the results of hearsays from unreliable sources like friends and family who are not really adept in treating acne skin conditions. This article aims to correct these mistakes in order to avoid further problems and to provide guidance to acne sufferers worldwide.
When you hear the word acne, you will instantly associate it with pimples. This misconception has led a lot of people into thinking they do not have acne since they do not have pimple outbreaks on their skin. In reality, acne has four symptoms associated with it. If you have one of these symptoms, you are definitely an acne sufferer.
The first symptom of acne is the presence of blackheads. These tiny and dark colored pores are thought to be derived from dirt but in reality, the dark color comes from the oxidation of the skin pigment when the pore opens. Blackheads are commonly found in people who tend to have oily skin because their pores are always open thus inviting more oxidation of the skin pigment.
Whiteheads are the second symptom of acne and they are very similar to blackheads. They are colored white because the oxidation process of the skin pigment has not been realized. This is due to the fact that the pore of the skin is closed when it starts to produce oil. Whiteheads are known to be the trapped and hardened oil under the skin.
The third and fourth symptoms of acne are the commonly known pimples. There are actually two kinds of pimples. The first one is the pustules which are characterized by the puss-filled small spots. They form a balloon-like or volcano-like shape which is filled with either a white or yellow puss as they begin to heal. These are known as the small pimples showing up on one's face.
The second kind of pimples and the fourth symptom of acne are the nodules which are very painful large lumps that burrow deep down on the skin. These do not contain puss inside but they usually manifest on the skin in groups. Nodules are commonly observed in people with severe acne problems.
As you can see, with these four symptoms in mind, you can definitely determine if you have acne or not even without consulting a professional expert, the dermatologist. If your skin manifest one of these symptoms, then it's time to treat them. You should also know the common mistakes of people when they're treating their acne to avoid complications.
The most important thing you have to remember is to never squeeze or pick your pimples because doing this will only lead to unsightly acne scars. Do not also use cleansers, toners, and moisturizers that contain uneven particles or scrubs, harmful exfoliating ingredients, drying alcohols, and animal oils that will clog pores. There are specific products especially formulated for skin with acne. If you want to be sure about the products you use, it always best to consult a dermatologist for the suitable acne skin care products that is safe and effective.
Both bettyamerson & Julia Elorriaga are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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