It's your big prom night. You have the perfect dress, and the boy of your dreams is on his way to pick you up. People will tell you how lovely you look. That is... until they see the big red zit on your nose! With hours before prom left, you are confronted with a huge disaster: acne. How do you get rid of it with a home remedy?
Before you ruin your eye makeup, realize this: There are some home remedies for the treatment of acne. If you can't bring your well-trusted dermatologist to your big dance, there is still some hope yet. Let's take a look at a few types of acne home remedies.
First of all, one of the best over-the-counter home remedies for acne is cortisone cream. This particular type of cream can be found in any drug store or Walmart in the United States. Simply put, cortisone cream is known for its ability to decrease inflammation, itching, and swelling. It will also stop burning as well as assist in adding moisture to the skin. With some cortisone cream and a little bit of cover-up makeup, you will be set for your big night.
If you can't make it to the drug store in time, but happen to have some basic foods around your house, you may be able to do the trick with a little tomato and parsley! All you must do is but a piece of the tomato as well as three tablespoons of parsley in a blender and apply the mixture to your skin for a few minutes. You may find that this cause the swelling and redness to go away. This is because tomatoes are known to disinfect because of their acidity. For this same reason, lemon juice and lime juice are also great disinfectants for your skin. Any type of food that has a high level of acidity should definitely do the job.
If you have some rubbing alcohol handy, you can use a cotton ball to apply it to the area of your skin that is affected. The alcohol will dry out your blemish and the skin around it. This will stop the pimple from spreading or becoming larger. The last thing you want is more zits to go to the dance with.
Another option is to mix some nutmeg into boiling milk. Sound odd? Maybe. But applying this to your face and keeping it on for an hour or it just may just get you to the prom feeling great and looking great! You can even try rubbing some fresh garlic on the blemish. This may prevent any scarring from occurring.
And speaking of scarring, one thing you should definitely NOT DO is pop your pimples. This will definitely cause scarring and cause you to look even worse - long after your big night is over with. Any dermatologist would tell you the same thing. So if you want to look great and feel great, leave the remedies to these home products and not to your fingers!
Acne Redness Home Remedies
Acne home remedies are true blue killers of acne. The concept of acne home remedies is based on adopting a curative approach towards treating acne. This means that acne home remedies are intended to cure acne rather than just treating the symptoms itself like what many of the over-the-counter or prescription medications do. Home remedies for acne are prepared using natural remedies and solutions so that the healing takes place from within our body system to effect complete healing. Discover more about acne causes and some simple acne home remedies you can start using today to help fight acne.
Acne is an inflammatory skin condition where sebaceous glands are most active and numerous. Acne can develop on the face, neck, back, arms and chest and affects 8 out of 10 teenagers to some degree. There are many reasons that have been linked to the occurrences of acne outbreaks. Common reasons include:
1. Puberty
Androgenic hormones eg testerones increase sebaceous gland activity, ie producing more sebum or oil resulting in blocked pores.
2. Diet
Excessive consumption of saturated fat, dairy products, protein, fried foods, carbonated drinks and lack of green vegetables in our diet can increase the risk of acne.
3. Nutritional Deficiencies
Nutritional deficiencies such as a lack in zinc and essential vitamins put one at higher risk of suffering from acne.
4. Poor Hygiene
Poor hygiene and unclean treatment of our skin can also lead to acne problems.
Acne home remedies seek to deal with some of the common causes of acne such as diet and nutritional deficiencies. The following are a few easy acne home remedies:
1. Non-Citrus All Fruit Acne Diet
By observing a non-citrus all-fruit diet for at least a week, it can cleanse our body of harmful toxins that could encourage the development of acne. Remember to consume only non-citrus fruits such as apricot, avocado, banana, cherry, damson, date, fig, grape, guava, kiwi fruit, mango, melon, nectarine, olive, papaya, passion fruit, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, pomegranate, quince, strawberry, watermelon and coconut.
2. Non-Saturated Fat Acne Diet
Remove saturated fats from your diet. Saturated fats are normally found in foods from animals such as cream, ice cream, whole milk, whole milk cheese, butter, lard and meats, and plant oils such as palm, coconut oils and cocoa butter. Diary products are one huge source of saturated fats and should be avoided at all costs. Try to include salads, cooked vegetables, seaweed, seeds and nuts, whole grains, beans and tofu in your meals.
3. Therapeutic Agents
Daily intake of therapeutic agents such as vitamins and zinc are effective against acne. Vitamin A and zinc help to regulate the sebaceous gland's production of sebum, the root cause of acne. Other vitamins may have antibiotic properties to cure acne.
Read my blog to find more handy acne home remedies and discover the secret of special natural remedies sufferers are using to treat their acne problems.
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Davion W has sinced written about articles on various topics from Family Concerns, Surveys and Beauty Tips. Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Learn more about secret acne home remedies and how you can cure acne naturally and eas. Davion W's top article generates over 368000 views. Bookmark Davion W to your Favourites.
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