I'm here to share some activities for children with autism that you can do that should help them out greatly with their disorder. The whole idea of these activities is to teach without really making it seem like that. With the communication and attention issues surrounding autism it is important to find something that is fun, engaging and really does help in the long run with their skills. It also adds a bit of desire to the learning process. We're talking about children that really have trouble relating, concentrating and communicating. It can be extremely hard to make them want to engage, so having activities that are fun can really improve on the effectiveness of them.
Out of all the activities for children with autism, I think the idea of allowing them to set their own schedule is a great way to help them learn, as well as build a routine that they crave. Obviously, you can't give them a pen & paper and expect them to write it out for you. It's not going to happen. It's best to make some drawings. You can usually get them to do this. Draw pictures of various things that they do through the day. Some of the things will include eating, napping, playing, bathroom, etc. Allow the child to take these pictures and put them up on the refrigerator or wall in the order of a schedule. It's a fun way to help them choose a schedule that they really want to follow.
Another great activity for children with autism is to wrap some lesson around an interest. Let's say you know that this child has an amazing interest in cars. They draw cars, they have a toy car they push around all the time, etc. If you can start to wrap a car around a lesson, than you can really hammer points into them, while they're just loving it. Let's say you're trying to teach them about looking both ways before they cross the road, you can make a much bigger impact because you're talking about cars. You're always teaching them a very important safety lesson.
A lot of people don't like this suggestion, but I think it is great for children with autism and that is a pet. It's not a matter of just "having" a pet, but learning to take care of it. This sort of gives them a sense of responsibility, but it also gives them this role of relating to the animal. One thing is mindlessly feeding a cat and another thing is feeding the cat because they want to make sure it is healthy.
The last activity for children with autism is to find out what really makes them tick. I can give you a lot of different things to try, but each child is unique, so figuring something out on your own is important. This may seem a little difficult at first, but if you pay attention to the child, you'll find something that really works for them.
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