There is a significant amount of research that indicates that an innovative clinical and holistic addictions and mental health treatment center has a greater success rate for patients. It is thought that some of this may be due to the fact that they adopt principles within their program that will work for people regardless of their walk of life. Rather than taking an approach that is proven to work only for specific situations, they embrace a variety of treatment methods that attack the problems the patients are facing from multiple levels. For example, some addiction and mental health treatment centers have adopted Oneness Blessing techniques as an adjunct to their traditional wellness healing programs.
The Oneness Movement began in India and has spread worldwide to promote world peace and perception change through its non-religious, spiritual Oneness Blessings. It is thought that people experience suffering because they are unable to experience things as they are. As a result people being unable to experience reality promotes a series of issues ranging from inner conflict, erroneous perceptions, break-down in relationships, mundane problems and above all, an experience of being ill at ease with life itself. As a result of these issues, people are more inclined to suffer from other mental health and substance abuse problems.
By incorporating the Oneness Blessing into addiction and mental health treatment programs, patients experience a number of benefits. Clients of these programs can experience a change in perception, calmness, better sleep patterns and keener insights into their problems and abilities to heal.
Another benefit of addiction and mental health programs incorporating the world oneness movement is that sometimes they are able to take advantage of the skills of specialists. For example, a Certified Yoga Instructor who trained in Bali under the Oneness Movement can come to the program during spiritual healing scheduled times to share his/her knowledge and experience with the clients. This enables the clients to get a more personalized approach and gain a better understanding of the treatment program and why it is so beneficial.
The benefits of using progressive alternative healing techniques that promote non-religious spiritual healing, perception change, calmness, and a more focused mind set toward the clients' treatment plan, health, and healing, have long lasting results. Although comprehensive substance abuse and mental health treatment programs have a greater success rate than traditional treatment programs, those that incorporate Oneness activities experience even more successful treatment.
Addiction And Mental Health
Should you be battling with alcohol or drug addiction, youcan essentially do one of two things to come clean or get sober. You can lookto go it alone by trying to overcome your addiction by yourself - oralternatively ask for help and get professional treatment.
I definitely don't think you should be trying to overcomeyour addiction by yourself. It's just so much harder and the cost of getting itwrong, just too high, because your life (or that of a loved one) is literallyat stake.
I reckon the reason many of us alcoholics and drug addictswill look to overcome an addiction by ourselves is twofold. We feel a certainshame or embarrassment to admitting to an addiction, especially because it hasa certain stigma attached to it, and so would rather just keep our problem toourselves due to the fear of it 'getting out.'
Ignore that and don't let that affect you - because there isabsolutely no shame to admitting to an addiction. The majority of thepopulation today struggle with an addiction in one form or another - whether itbe alcohol, drugs, food, sex, gambling or whatever. But most significantly - byadmitting to an addiction - you're ready to get help - which is the mostimportant step in coming clean or sober.
The second big reasons I think many alcoholics and drugaddicts don't look to get professional help and treatment - is the belief thatit is simply not realistic from a cost perspective. But that's simply not thecase because there are treatment centers that cater for addicts from just aboutany financial background.
If you had cancer, would you try and beat that by yourself?And there will be some of you, I know, who have read stories of people who havedone exactly that, but why make it harder for yourself if there are people outthere ready and willing to help you?
My first suggestion then would always be that you always tryand get yourself into a drug oralcoholtreatment center. It may involves doing some investigation and research to findone that is right for you and in close enough proximity (if you're concernedabout the costs) - but there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to make ithappen. It was certainly the best thing I did in helping me sort my life out.
Getting yourself into proper treatment also allows you tomeet other people going through what you are. And so you realise you're notalone and the sense of isolation you experienced suddenly disappears. Eventhough treatment only represents the start of you overcoming your addictionsand building a new life for yourself (and it's important you remember that) -it does provide you with the best possible opportunity to getting your life on trackand making a fresh start.
Both Alan Meyers & Carl-peter are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Alan Meyers has sinced written about articles on various topics from Fitness, Addictions and Health. Alternative Treatment International, Inc. is the only addiction and mental health treatment center that has adopted the Oneness Blessing for treatment. For more information, please visit. Alan Meyers's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Alan Meyers to your Favourites.
Carl-peter has sinced written about articles on various topics from Fitness, self improvement and motivation and Alcohol Treatment. Carl-Peter is the Author of Addiction Uncovered - a Book he Wrote to Help Others Struggling with Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, which You can Download FREE at his website, - where you can also find Loads. Carl-peter's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Carl-peter to your Favourites.
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