Unless you have been living under rock..or maybe just don't have internet access or watch much TV, you've heard of using water to run your car. So is it really possible to increase your car's fuel efficiency just by using a water fuel cell?
Here's the fact---
Yes, it is truly possible to run your car on water. But it may not be EXACTLY what you think it is! You will not be able to run your car PURELY on water. What is possible is to use water to supplement and increase your engines fuel burning efficiency, and thus increasing your car's MPG.
This new process is so cost-effective there is no "official" source that you will find that endorses this technology.
Why You Don't Hear More About It?
Now this explanation may seem somewhat conspiratorial but if you stop to think about it, it will make perfect sense. If everyone did this, who would stand to make the most money from it? Actually, the better question is: who stands to LOSE money from this? Big oil would suffer and the ripple effect through our entire "gas" economy could be devastating to the US! Talk about people losing jobs and companies going out of business! Gas stations and consequently all those "quickie marts", car dealers used and new, service stations, oil drilling companies, oil processing facilities, companies that supply all those parts and services needed to service the oil companies, refinaries, all those towns and cities that srung up to support the oil drilling....alll gone! Just like those "ghost towns" that died when the gold rush died! Tens of millions of people out of jobs!
What about all that lost revenue from all those gas taxes? It's estimated that up to 70% of that money you are paying for a gallon of gas is taxes.
This all adds up to billions...no, TRILLIONS of dollars in revenue that could potentially be lost!
That's why you won't hear the government and industries outwardly endorse and promote this technology! It's about money.
But how does that help you? It doesn't. It's in the governments best interest to not let this catch on. At least not for the foreseeable future.
So How Does It Work?
What kind of cars could run on water? The answer might surprise you. Using the proper converter setup, ANY engine can use water to improve it's fuel efficiency. Both diesels and gasoline engines can benefit. In fact, it's been reported that they will actually run BETTER!
As was said earlier, it would be somewhat misleading to say that your car will RUN purely on water. In fact, it runs on a combination of water and gasoline. The water comes from a quart-sized container filled with water and a small amount of baking soda that is installed near the engine. Fuel exhaust is routed into the water.
A small electrical charge is supplied to this water from your car battery. The electrical current then splits the water molecules into its constituent molecules of hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen is directed to the motor's intake thus supplying the engine with a hydrogen-rich air mixture, which makes the fuel burn more completely. Up to 100% more efficient! It's this efficient burning of the gas your car uses that increases your mileage.
So thus, your car doesn't "actually" run on water but rather uses water to make it run more efficiently. That's why it works on any engine because all engines require air to burn fuel. That's why installing devices such as "cold-air" induction systems, forced air systems and low-restriction systems increases both power and fuel efficiency. But why not increase the QUALITY of the air instead of just the quantity? That's why this method works!
It falls into that category of "simple is better".
The "TRUTH" About Hydrogen Power!
So hydrogen power is supposed to be the "clean" fuel, right? It's supposed to save the environment, right? In fact, currently using current available technology to mass produce hydrogen is very inefficient and in fact, produces MORE hydro-carbons! The very stuff that we need to eliminate to help stop global warming! It is also true that storing this hydrogen especially on something like a moving vehicle in effect turns it into a rolling bomb! Hydrogen, especially compressed hydrogen can be explosive! Another reason that the government will not endorse the use of hydrogen to power cars just yet.
This is another reason why cars that run on water that manufacture their own hydrogen power has Virtually no risk. Worse that can happen in an accident is that the water bottle you use breaks and spills harmless water onto your engine.
What About The Environment?
This method will also help the environment because by increasing the fuel burning efficiency of your engine makes it burn more cleanly and produce less harmful by-products and reduces emmissions. This is also a proven fact!
Can It Hurt My Engine?
Can this hurt your engine? The short answer is no. No water is injected into your engine so you are not introducing water into your fuel or fuel line which would not be good. However, the one thing that could actually harm your engine is that the fuel-air mixture will cause your engine to run too "rich". But most modern engine management computers will compensate for this automatically. For older cars, some manual adjustments maybe needed. But this is a minor adjustment and accomplished easily.
If you have a warranty on your car, using this method may void that warranty so check that first.
The bottom line is that YOU will save money on gas.
Go to http://www.FindWhatFast.com/freegas to learn how you can get started right away and stop wasting your gas!
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