For those of you that use adwords to market your business, will already know just how powerful Googles advertising system truly is. I use Adwords marketing as one of the main marketing forces that drives most of my traffic to all of my business's. In fact, adwords alone can be attributed to most of my success. Both in promotions and selling my service to my clients.
In this article on Adwords marketing, I want to show you just how you can use adwords to market your business, but more importantly, I want to show you the reasons why you should be using it.
This article is mostly aimed at small to medium size business's. The reason for this, is that there are so many articles and books out there that focus on affiliate marketing and how adwords can be used to increase your sales. So, here is an article for the business owners.
Before we get started. If you are after, Free info on how to get setup and run a killer adwords marketing campaign. Then Download my FREE Adwords Marketing ebook. Go there now and get your instant download for free:
Ok, throughout this article I want to use Plumbing as an example. One reason for this is that, before I got into marketing I use to do engineering, window fitting, plumbing and building. All of these brick and mortar companies have one thing in common. None of them know how to market themselves on the web. Surprisingly, it was this factor that drove me to marketing in the first place. Just watching some of the old companies that I use to work for, struggle for no reason, was enough to make sure that when I setup my first website design & programming company, that I was never going to make the same mistake.
So, if you are a small to medium size company, then the chances of you being able to walk all over your competition after learning adwords marketing, is huge. I have seen it time and time again, and there no reason that it can't be you.
OK, Lets take a look at how we can get Adwords marketing to work for our plumbing company. First though, we'll take a look at how most plumbing companies currently promote themselves. Most Plumbing companies only run ads in the local yellow pages, or maybe, they might advertise themselves in the local mag, but thats about it. The reason for this is simple, they don't know any better. It's all to do with one of the 6 key factors in influencing people (Social Proof). This law of influence states that will will do what other around us do. So, for a plumbing company, they will tend to market themselves in the exactly the same way as all of the other plumbing companies do.
This is a huge mistake. If you are going to step in to the exactly the same marketing areas as your competition, then there is one thing that you can guarantee. That the competition is going to tough. I not saying don't advertise in the same place, but if you really want to dominate your market, then you need to look at new ways of marketing yourself. Such as adwords Marketing.
This is a really important point, so let me explain it in a bit more detail. To do this, I want to tell you a story.
Wing Chun Kung Fu
One of my many hobbies was wing chun kung fu, this is a fighting style previously used by movie action start hero - Bruce lee. Why am I talking about wing chun? well, there was one lesson that I learn early on in training, that I have since used in to all of my business.
The lesson.
Wing chun is based around a simple structure. It is a fighting style that allows small women to fit big men. This structure is all about angles. Let me explain, if you were face to face with a opponent bigger and stronger that you, then you more than likely lose the battle. But, if you changed the angle in which your fighting at, so that your facing side on to the opponent, then you are now at an advantage.
This technique really works wonders, not only in fighting, but also in business. Basically, If you go head to head with your competition, and market yourself in all of the same areas that they do, then you have go a much greater fight on your hands. But if you take your company, and start using many other marketing techniques, then your competition wont stand a change. You will be pulling customer various different sources, and your competition wont know what hit them.
So, lets look at just a few of the other marking methods that you can use to increase your sales.
Direct mail
Tele seminars
Press release
loyalty cards
online banner advertising
Social networking
social bookmarking
Articles submission
Search engine optimization
Plus Many Many more...
But one of the best techniques to instantly out do your competition is Adwords Marketing.
This method alone has the power of diving a massive stampede of traffic to your website day after day.
The great feature about adwords marketing for small to medium sized companies is Adwords geo-targeting. Geo-targeting is simple a way in which you can select the radius in which you want your ads to appear. So if our plumbers is based in essex in the UK, then we can set it so that your ads will only appear in essex, and not the rest of the world.
So there you go, Don't just use local advertising, start using adwords marking and start walking all over your competition.
For Free expert adwords advice, download my free adwords marketing ebook. Packed with killer tips, tricks and secrets.
Jeff Spires has sinced written about articles on various topics from Network Marketing, RSS and Adwords. FREE Adwords Ebook. Killer Tips, Tricks and secrets revealed. Signup now Adwords MarketingFree Instant Download.. Jeff Spires's top article generates over 60500 views. Bookmark Jeff Spires to your Favourites.
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