Oh how things have changed. Today being a successful affiliate marketer is not an easy job. We need huge lists and massive traffic just to make a few sales. List Building and driving traffic to our sites has also become a lot harder to accomplish. Even if we do manage to develop a big list and a great website with lots of traffic there's still no guarantee we will make a dime. In general affiliate marketing has become a hard nut to crack.
To be successful on today's Internet you need to have an edge. You need a way to rise above the ordinary. Doing what everyone else is doing doesn't work. Everyone else is making a buck here and there if they are lucky. Do you want to be like them? I know I don't. I want to be one of the few that actually makes big money. I like money. I like the things money brings me. Maybe money can't buy happiness but I'll tell you this... I'm a whole lot happier with it than I was without it. Getting into the big money isn't really all that hard. All you need is an edge. That one thing that separates you from everyone else. For me that edge manifested itself in the form of video. Video has changed my whole outlook on how to market effectively. Everything I knew before including all my secret little tricks pale in comparison to what using video has done for me.
Video builds lists, video drives traffic and video makes sales.
Video marketing is certainly nothing new. We have all seen countless infomercials on late night television. Do you think those infomercials sell product? Do you think they drive traffic to websites? You bet they do. Now I'm not suggesting you run out and have an infomercial professionally created to sell your affiliate product. Few, if any of us could afford to do that. But, if we could... Do you think we could sell our product? Let's face it. Quite a few of the affiliate products available today are a lot better than some of the things we see advertised on television.
I truly believe I could take one of my better affiliate products, have a infomercial professionally produced, slap it on late night television and make a killing.
We might not be able to hit television with an infomercial. But, we can certainly hit the Internet with one and we don't need a huge budget to do it. We can create our own Internet infomercial sitting at our computer. Almost everyone has a video camera or a friend that has one. With a video camera and some readily available video editing software you could be the next Internet infomercial star. You could also be the next Internet infomercial millionaire.
Creating a homemade infomercial is not a hard thing to do. Sure, it takes a bit of learning and experimenting but the rewards are plentiful. By incorporating video I have seen my opt-ins and sales increase by more that 400%.
Once you have your Internet infomercial created getting it seen is fairly easy. Just upload it to Google video, You Tube and countless other video and social networking sites. A well-produced homemade Internet infomercial will spread across the Internet like wildfire. Its Viral Marketing at it's finest. There are also some fantastic fringe benefits once your infomercial is out there. Search engines absolutely love those high ranking video sites and spider them constantly. So, if you want to increase your opt-ins and sales and get some great back links and a high search engine PR...
Get out your video camera , brush the dust off of it and get busy.
To Your Wealth,
Guy Simmons
Affiliate Sales And Marketing
You must have your own website or multiple sites that are yours. I'd recommend you avoid the cookie cutter sites that hundreds of others get for free. Sure... they're easy to implement and convenient. But you'll be shooting your self in the foot. NOT unique. Quite often your market will need repeated exposure to your marketing message. And you can do that with your own memorable domain name and unique site. Imagine what a potential customer thinks if they have already seen many sites similar to yours? Then it doesn't matter really who they buy from.
Your marketing message gets diluted and you'll only be hurting your own business. People get bombarded every day by hundreds of ads everywhere they go. So create your own unique ads, banners, whatever you plan to use. It's the same idea behind having your own website.
You NEED to be unique in every way. In time, or sooner if possible, create one or two of your own products to market to your affiliate list. (You ARE capturing names and emails and creating your list... right?) If you have difficulties with product creation, you can try getting master rights or resell rights only if you can find something good and NOT old. And then try to make it your own as much as possible. Be creative and you'll see what you can do!
Build a strong relationship with your list. These are current and potential customers. You'll get lots of questions from potential customers about your affiliate products. So the ideal is to buy the product, or products, you're promoting so you can speak from authority. That's best!
People love experts and those in the know. You'll be marketing from a position of strength when you know all about the product. And that fact will come through in your marketing communications. When you've bought and used the product your support will be better. You can even create stand alone tutorials you can use as bonuses. Be creative. Also, you may buy a product and discover it's horrible and worthless. And that will save you. It's much, much more difficult to rebuild your credibility than it is to create it. As much as some marketers will have you believe... your list is NOT an ATM machine. Although when you've done your work sometimes it can seem like it when everything is working as it should.
So don't try to market everything you come across to your list. Be selective. Be smart. Think about the number of times you email your list on a monthly basis. Then use that number to determine how many times you'll promote something to it. And please. Only provide good, high quality information to your list. When you do, you'll find them much more receptive and responsive to your offers.
Both Guy Simmons & Nethome are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Guy Simmons has sinced written about articles on various topics from Marketing. Guy Simmons is a retired ISP (Internet Service Provider) He has been and active Internet marketer since 1996 and has generated millions in revenue. For more information on how to use video to increase your affiliate sales you can visit his Website at.... Guy Simmons's top article generates over 480 views. Bookmark Guy Simmons to your Favourites.
Nethome has sinced written about articles on various topics from Marketing, SEO Articles and Sales letter. http://www.product-launching.comhttp://www.product-creation-innovat. Nethome's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Nethome to your Favourites.
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