Is there such a thing as affordable health insurance coverage anymore? It seems that the costs of healthcare insurance have completely knocked a lot of people out of consideration for buying a policy. I was speaking to a family member recently that stated he was paying over $800.00 a month for himself, his wife and three kids. I've seen even higher costs, a lot higher, depending upon where you live.
There really aren't a whole lot of options for those individuals and families that are uninsured. Veteran's can visit any Veteran's Administration Hospital and be treated for free. They would be billed if they have medical insurance, but they are not denied care. If they're not on service connected disability of at least 50% compensation then they'll have to pay a small co-pay for prescription drugs. I believe that this currently costs around $8.00 per prescription.
Uninsured families can usually get some type of assistance from the state that they live in as long as they're under a certain income bracket. Of course, this depends upon each individual state. Most states will offer assistance for children at least.
It's not easy for most people without affordable health insurance coverage, but my suggestion is that they continue to obtain free health insurance quotes, try managing their budget as tightly as possible and hoping that an affordable plan comes along for them. There are several places to get free health insurance quotes online. I recommend that you take the time to get several of these and see what you can come up with that's within your budget. Good luck!
Affordable Health Insurance Coverage
As a health plan broker, I've spent the last 23 years
helping people find affordable health insurance. Along the way I've
learned how to trim the price of health insurance without trimming the
quality. Here are a few of my secrets:#1) Don't be afraid to consider
plans with higher deductibles. Insurance, by definition, is protection
from serious financial loss. A good plan, even with a high deductible, can
give you that protection. As a bonus, many of these types of plans will
waive the deductible for routine office visits, routine physicals, and
generic drugs.#2) Take a look at HSA plans. In the last few years a new
type of plan has become available. These are called HSA (Health Savings
Account) eligible plans. They are low cost, high deductible health plans
that offer outstanding tax benefits. Any good health insurance company
offers them.#3) If you don't need maternity, drop it. You can lower your
premium by choosing a plan without maternity. And remember, for family
coverage, not everyone has to be on the same plan. To lower your cost you
can get a plan with maternity for the person who needs it and a plan
without maternity for the other family members.#4) A quick word about
basic, hospital only coverage: Caution. Yes, I know those super low prices
are tempting, but there is a risk. You can rack up huge medical bills
without ever stepping foot in a hospital. That being said, if that's all
that's affordable at the present time, it's better than nothing, and you
can try to upgrade when finances allow.#5) HMO's vs. PPO's. Many people
think that HMO's are cheaper than PPO's but usually that's not the case.
If you're looking for good quality insurance at the lowest possible price
and you don't mind a higher deductible, then a PPO will be cheaper. If you
want the richest benefits possible with little or no deductible, then you
might consider an HMO. Remember, though, an HMO is less flexible and there
are restrictions on which doctors you can use.#6) Get some help. In your
quest for affordable health insurance, sometimes it helps to talk with a
professional. Make a few phone calls. Find an experienced, friendly health
plan broker that offers several different companies. It won't cost you
anything (we're paid by the insurance carriers), but it will probably save
Both Joe Stewart & Tim Patrick are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Joe Stewart has sinced written about articles on various topics from Insurance, Health Insurance and Dental Practice. Joe Stewart Is A Former Health Insurance Agent. He's Made Understanding Health Insurance Easy For Others. You Can Learn More About Health Insurance And Get Free Health Insurance Quotes For Individual And Family At His Website. Joe Stewart's top article generates over 110000 views. Bookmark Joe Stewart to your Favourites.
Tim Patrick has sinced written about articles on various topics from Health Insurance. Tim Patrick developed to helpindividuals & families find affordable health insurance in California. Hehas 23 years experience as a health. Tim Patrick's top article generates over 3600 views. Bookmark Tim Patrick to your Favourites.
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