If your employer does not provide it, an individual dental insurance plan is something that you should consider purchasing. In most cases, this is a great way for you to pay for costly dental procedures today and well into your future. Often, the cost of having just yearly cleanings done is high and can be much too much to handle for the average person. Yet, having an individual dental insurance plan can be the ideal way to pay for all of these necessary costs.
Selection Of Plans
When you are considering the choices that are offered to you in the way of insurance dental plans, take the time to look at what they offer closely. There are several key features you should use to compare one company to the next.
? The overall cost of the plan. While this may be the first thing that you actually look at, a low cost dental insurance plan may be quite limiting. It is essential to look at the costs, but only in comparisons with these other factors as well. The best overall deal will provide you with all you need and be affordable.
? The dentist coverage. Like some medical insurance plans, some individual dental insurance plan policies will limit which dentists you can visit. Or, some may cost you more to visit than others will. The goal is to find out if your dentist is on the plan or if you will have to get a new one. If this is not something you want to do, then the plan is not worthwhile to you.
? The deductible. The cost of the plan is only one part of what you will pay. The second is the deductible that you will pay. This amount can often be changed to a bit higher to lower your monthly payment. In any case, you will want to make sure that you can afford this payment before purchasing the insurance.
? The plan. Often times with dental insurance, there are some procedures that may not be covered or they may only be partially covered. You need to notice what these things are and insure that anything that you know you will need, or may need in the future is covered.
Individual dental insurance plans are a necessary fact to most of our lives. The cost of dental insurance is often quite expensive and therefore it makes dental insurance cost effective. Yet, it is still quite important to spend the necessary time to compare prices and to do your research about the products. All in all, you want to come up with an individual dental insurance plan that covers your needs and is affordable to you as well. This is not hard when you take the time to look at all the options listed above.
Affordable Medical Dental Insurance
America is in the midst of a healthcare crisis. Close to 48 million Americans do not have any health insurance and many are underinsured. Even more Americans lack good dental care. Statistics show that as many as 7 out of 10 Americans do not have an affordable dental plan. This is a serious situation because dental and gum disease can effect your general health. There is evidence that the bacteria from diseased gums and teeth may cause inflammation in the body which can eventually lead to heart and coronary artery disease. Preventive dental care can avoid these serious complications. In addition, a pleasant and healthy smile can help you feel confident and secure when you meet people, and can even help you perform better at a job interview.
While most families realize the importance of good dental care, the cost of dental treatment has become prohibitively expensive in the past few years as has the cost of dental insurance. If you work for a large company, you may be able to obtain a traditional dental insurance policy. This will help with some expenses; however, most dental insurance plans have limits on how much an individual can spend on dental treatment per year. Typical annual dental plan yearly maximums are as low as $1,000 per patient. Treatment to save just one tooth with a root canal and a porcelain crown to protect the devitalized tooth will easily top this limit. What if a family member needs more extensive work than this?
Another problem that patients have with dental insurance is that there will usually be a waiting period of up to one year for pre-existing dental conditions to be covered. If you have a serious dental problem, waiting a year before treatment can be initiated will only lead to a worsening of the condition meaning more costly treatment will be required in the future. Most dental insurance policies also have a missing tooth clause. This means that if a bridge or partial denture is needed for a tooth that was missing prior to treatment; the patient is not covered and must pay out of pocket.
Most traditional dental insurance plans offer very limited or no coverage for orthodontic treatment (braces) even though good tooth alignment can prevent more serious dental problems later on. In addition, cosmetic dentistry and dental implants are rarely covered.
Another problem with dental insurance is the long claim forms that must be submitted. This is a hassle for both the patient and dental office alike.
Clearly for many families, a dental discount plan offers an affordable alternative to costly dental insurance. These dental discount plans are readily available to individuals, the self employed, as well as businesses. For patients with ongoing conditions or who need extensive restorative work, a dental discount plan is clearly the better choice because they will save much more with the discount program.
Savings with a good dental discount plan typically range from 25% for specialist treatment (periodontists, oral surgeons, endodontists, etc.) to 80% for exams. Most major dental procedures such as fillings, root canals, crowns and bridges, dentures, and orthodontic treatment offer savings from 50% to 60% and even more when done by a general dentist--literally cutting a family's dental bill by more than half. In addition, patients will enjoy instant savings, no limits on visits or services, no age limits, no waiting period, and no paperwork. As an added benefit, many discount dental plans also offer value added services such as a prescription card, and savings on chiropractic and vision care.
Both Jim Johnson & Helene Zemel are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Helene Zemel has sinced written about articles on various topics from Dental Insurance, Health and Fitness. Helene Zemel, M.A., M.B.A., is a Senior Regional Sales Director for AmeriPlan USA. For more information visit: Health Plans Plus. For a discussion o. Helene Zemel's top article generates over 3600 views. Bookmark Helene Zemel to your Favourites.
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