Since the birth of Christ and the Nativity, angels have been prominent in our art and in our music for Christmas. Graphically, angel pictures have also been the subject of many popular and domestic arts. Angels have been produced in all the art forms such as paints, sculptures and weavings. Angels have long been a symbol of Christmas in the form of Angel pictures, Angel figurines, Angel guardian's jewelry, Christmas ornaments, and Angel gifts. Angels have been portrayed in Christmas cards as angel pictures.
An angel in the form of a star warned the three kings to return directly to their homelands after seeing Jesus. After the visit of the wise men an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream. The angel suggested that he take the Jesus and Mary, and go into Egypt. When it was safe for Joseph's family to return, the angels would again appear to him. Angels usually hover over the Christmas nativity stable. Angels have been the subject of Christmas music throughout the world. A few examples are;
? Hark! The herald angels sing.
? Sing, choirs of angels.
? Angels from the realms of glory.
? Lord, with the angels we too would rejoice.
? Angels we have heard on high.
Angels In Christmas Activities.
Christmas pageantry would not be nearly so colorful without angels. Countless girls and boys have been dressed in white angel robes to play the part of an angel in the seasonal Christmas dramas. Angels also accompany the gift bringer and they advise which children have been naughty or nice. In Latin America and the Philippines angels accompanies street processions reenacting the journey to Bethlehem. According to the Irish legend the Virgin Mary sends angels each Christmas Eve to awaken children and they take them to heaven to sing a carol to the Christ Child. They then return the children to their beds and they are considered lucky for the rest of their lives. In Europe the angels are a part of the Star Boy groups, which go from door to door. There is even a special church festival for the archangel Michael. Medieval dramas centering on the Nativity and he made good use of the angels in his drama.
Angels Decorate Our Homes.
Today angels, like the heavenly angel figurines, are displayed in many homes. Angel ornaments adorn the Christmas trees and angel gifts are given to those we care about and love. Angel pictures can be seen hanging on the walls of homes throughout the world. Angel pictures are traditionally pictures that portray angels with human bodies and wings. Gold and silver guardian angel jewelry is worn on clothing and lapels. Poets and artists have portrayed the angel with wings as symbols of innocence or virtue. Angels also symbolize purity, peace and love. They are found in the classic and modern movies. Angels are usually portrayed as an intervener in the lives of many movie characters.
Angels Purpose in Our Lives.
God has charged his angels with watching and safeguarding every one of his creatures. Kingdoms have their angels assigned to them, and along with man. The existence of angel guardians that watch over humans is an established belief of the Christian faith. The wearing of an angel guardian is a custom that reminds us all that an angel is watching and safeguarding us. Jesus says in the Gospel, "Beware lest ye scandalize any of these little ones, for their angels in heaven see the face of my father."
Angels are wise in God's ways and gentle in their speech and actions. Angels burst upon events with a joy and understanding of man that brings us closer to God every day. Perhaps this happens because only angels are given the special tasks by God that requires them to associate with men and women on earth. Guardian Angels bring a touch of the divine to all those hearing their messages. The Guardian Angels are given responsibility for making all of the world's greatest announcements.
African American Angel Figurines
Everyone talks about beautiful figurines that captivate the eye and fill the mind with wonder at the exquisite art and their perfect finish. You may have seen different kinds of those beautiful figurines but do you know the peculiarity of angel figurines? Perhaps, you may even start thinking about building a collection of those marvelous figurines when you come to know more about them.
These figurines can be bought from many different places and from many companies. One of these great companies is Willow Tree. They have a very unique looking angel that will enchant you. You can get the figurines online too as well as in a lot of stores around the world.
When you start looking at the figurines with the intention of buying one, you should first figure out what you are going to do with your figurine and what look you would like to have. This will help you to decide what type of a figurine you should buy. There are some figurines that have a really unique look, which will help your home have more of a rural feel to it.
When you are looking for, you can look at your local gift store as well as on the Internet. This will help you find the angel figurine that you like most and you will also be able to get your angel at a low price too.
If you plan to buy your angel for a family member or a friend, then you will want to look for an angel that will be appealing to them. That should also last a long time without losing its beauty. This way you will ensure that your friend or family member will like what you are getting for them. You may also tell them about the peculiarities, the history, and the artistic beauty of the angel figurines.
When you are looking for an angel figurine, you really should take a little time to find a great angel. You should also look for an angel that goes well with the house that you are living in, or the house of your friend to whom you are going to give a gift of it.
Angel figurines will be a great addition to your house. It will be a beautiful addition to your precious collections and a fine exhibit which adds a special charm to your house. So spend some time in choosing the figurine. Don't forget that you are investing for a long time!
Both Joe Will & Victor Epand are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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