Burns are caused by excessive exposure to dry heat - for example, fire, electricity, or corrosive substances. First assess the severity of the burn. If it covers a small area of unbroken skin smaller than half the size of the victim's palm and only the surface layers, it is minor and can be treated as follows:
Place burned area under cold, running water for at least ten minutes. Do not apply ointments, butter, or other lotions to soothe the burn. Cover with a clean dressing.
Homeopathy Mix ten drops of Hypericum in a glass of cold water and pour over wound.
Herbal Medicine Place an ice-pack over burn for ten minutes, then apply fresh aloe vera.
Scalds are injuries resulting from wet heat - for example, corrosive/boiling liquids or steam. Only use self-help methods for minor injuries.
Same as for Burns (above).
Bach Flower Remedies Take a few drops of Bach Rescue Remedy in a glass of water.
Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, high temperature, and higher pulse, causing restlessness, and the possibility of circulatory collapse.
As with sunburn, take precautions to avoid the harmful effects of the sun.
Place sufferer in a cool room and wrap them in a sheet soaked in cool water. Use an electric fan to direct cold air toward the person, or fan manually. Body temperature should drop. Emergency medical help is required if body temperature fails to drop to normal levels: heat stroke is life-threatening.
Homeopathy For a throbbing headache with high skill temperature take Belladonna 6c. If sufferer is also experiencing dizziness, take Glonoin 6c every 15 minutes up to four doses. Use Cuprum if there is cramp and pallor.
Prickly Heat
This condition often occurs when people are exposed to higher temperatures than they are used to. Symptoms include red, blotchy skin that becomes itchy in certain areas.
Aromatherapy Mix one drop of essential oil of sandalwood and four of lavender with 1fl oz/30ml of calendula carrier oil to make a soothing lotion.
Diet and Nutrition Increase intake of vitamin C to at least 500mg.
Homeopathy Urtica 6c, Rhus tox. 6c, and Apis 6c all help. Take every 15 minutes, up to four doses as necessary. Repeat if required.
Herbal Medicine Pour a mug of boiling water on to 4 teaspoonfuls of dried chickweed. Infuse for 15 minutes, leave to cool, then apply to the affected areas.
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