If you are a typical driver, it's likely you don't keep up with your vehicle's maintenance like you should. When buying the car, the owner's manual probably included a maintenance schedule. This undoubtedly outlined several types of service to be managed every few months or so, such as an oil change and tire rotation. One of the accompanying common maintenance tasks that many drivers don't think about is when to change a car's air filter.
The air filter for your vehicle helps to clean the air passing through the engine area and into the vehicle. Cleaning the air facilitates your car's operation by trapping small particles of litter or debris, such as sand or dust that can quickly build up and slow an engine's performance. The air filter helps to provide cleaner air inside your car, too, so you don't start hacking and coughing when breathing the dust kicked up by your car while traveling an unpaved country road.
If you aren't sure when to change the air filter, ask an automobile technician. He or she will probably inspect yours when performing the routine oil change or an annual checkup. During one of these maintenance visits, the technician can check the air filter to see how dirty it is and pop it out for a replacement, if needed. This probably won't need to be done more than once or twice a year, depending on your driving habits and road conditions. Fortunately, air filters aren't terribly expensive, either, and if you replace it yourself after buying one at an auto parts store, the cost can be low, indeed.
Car owners who live in rural areas and travel dirt roads, farmers who drive across muddy fields or low-lying streams, and anyone who drives in sandy soil or weather conditions that are chronically adverse may need to change their air filters more often than other drivers. Get in the habit of checking it with every oil change just to see if it is ready for replacement. If the technician doesn't mention it, ask about it.
You might want to plan an annual overview of your vehicle to keep it running in tip-top condition. If your manufacturer didn't supply you with a checklist of things to inspect, make up one that includes the usual features that tend to wear out over time, including tires, trim, and engine parts, along with the air filter. Staying on top of these things will keep your car running harder and longer. On the other hand, letting them go until something breaks can lead into serious complications.
Although an air filter may seem like a rather boring or unimportant part of your car's maintenance schedule, don't take it for granted or neglect its care. Without a clean air filter, the engine could deteriorate more quickly due to excess wear and tear, and you may not enjoy the stuffy feeling inside the car. Pick up an inexpensive air filter at your local auto parts store soon for do-it-yourself installation, or ask specifically for it to be checked at your next annual checkup.
Air Filters For Furnace
One disadvantage of a HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) air filter, which gets rid of the tinniest particles, is that it cannot be used to cover large surface areas. HEPA air filters work more effectively within smaller air spaces. HEPA air filters get rid of particles that are less than 3 microns and are thus extremely efficient.
Air filters for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) are often built in. Most HVAC air filters are made of varying fiber glass densities that can affect the extent to which the air is purified. Some air filters for HVAS are low density designs that may allow a high air flow but remove less dirt or impurities from the air.
Allergies such as smoke, dust, gas and odor can further complicate illnesses such as emphysema and asthma. People who suffer from one respiratory problem or the other can experience a degree of relief in their homes with a room air filter. Room air filters often require no replacement and work by releasing clean, treated air into a room.
Air filters are designed to improve the quality of indoor air, by trapping allergens such as dust, gas and mold. Air filters take care of pesky disease-causing bacteria. Your children will grow up in a house devoid of impure air thanks to air filters.
Your air conditioner will function a lot better with the right air filters. You can extend the life of your air conditioner by taking great care to replace the air filter parts regularly. Also, cleaning your air conditioner air filter will help to preserve its life more.
If you have pets, chances are you've got pet dander in the air you breathe at home. Pet danders in some people have caused the nastiest of allergies in lots of cases. Air filters can help to get rid of pet danders and reduce any allergic reaction to pets in the home.
Air filters are good for you. The importance of air filters cannot be underestimated. Get an excellent air filter today and enjoy the knowledge that you are breathing in clean air.
Both Gary Wells & Andyernestpnp are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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