Airline credit cards are increasingly becoming popular. Airline companies and banks, in particular, often sponsor airline credit cards in order to provide incentives to attract consumer interest. But before choosing an airline credit card, you should collect as much information as possible about each airline card that you are considering.
If you are a business traveler or a frequent flyer, an airline credit card is definitely something to investigate. But you might be wondering how airline credit cards work. Quite simply, you earn reward points, or miles, for every dollar spent with the credit card. These points can earn you free flights, free companion tickets, lost baggage protection, first class upgrades, car rentals, free stays in hotels and more.
It was the Citi Aadvantage card that first offered the airline credit card. Consumers got points with every purchase they made. These points could be redeemed for free air travel through a variety of different airlines. Today,most airlines have partnerships with credit card companies in order to provide airline credit cards rewards programs, and the incentives offered by these companies is attractive thanks in part to the existing competition in this industry.
When compared to standard credit cards, airline credit cards charge a higher interest rate and, in many cases, also charge annual fees for membership. But when used effectively, there are several attractive features of airline credit cards that help to offset those added charges and fees.
There are two general types of airline credit cards:
1) Airline-Sponsored Credit Cards
2) Bank-Sponsored Credit Cards
The points you earn from airline-sponsored credit cards can be used only on a particular airline. These cards are convenient, if you wish to fly on a particular airline or that airline dominates the routes to your potential destinations. Otherwise, it might be better to go with the many bank-sponsored airline credit cards now available.
Bank-sponsored credit cards are more flexible in nature. Unlike airline-sponsored credit cards that generally only allow you to redeem your points on one airline, you can use your points earned from the various bank-sponsored airline credit cards to redeem your miles on a wider selection of airlines. And typically, the points required to earn free travel is generally less with bank-sponsored credit cards. But there are exceptions to this rule.
Things to Keep in Mind
You should make it a point to thoroughly understand airline credit cards and how they work for you as well as how they work for the card companies before making a decision. You might want to peak with people who already have one like family or friends and solicit their feedback on the cards that they use. You can also utilize the Internet, which offers an unprecedented amount of information on a wide variety of credit cards and their features and benefits.
First of all, when selecting any credit card, you should start first with the applicable interest rate of each card. Is the interest rate comparable to other card offers currently available or does it appear to be abnormally high? If you plan to carry a balance on your credit card, you need to be absolutely sure that you select an airline credit card with the lowest ongoing interest rate available. In general, airline cards are not the right choice for those who carry a balance on their credit cards because of the generally higher costs associated with airline cards. Higher interest rates combined with high card balances never go hand in hand.
Some airline credit cards offer points but only on certain purchases. Keep these reward schemes in mind while choosing a card because the card will be essentially worthless if you are not able to make the type of purchases allowed on the card.
Another important item to consider is the expiration date on points that you earn. Also, find out if your points can be used even after the redemption period has expired. Certain cards will stipulate specific uses for point redemption at certain retailers after the expiration date.
And finally, the number of reward points earned per dollar spent varies from card to card. The number of points necessary to earn free or reduced travel will vary from card to card as well, so make sure to carefully weigh those factors when selecting an airline credit card as well.
Airlines Credit Card Offers
Airline Credit Cards provide the usual services of regular credit cards to make life a little easier. Not only is having an Airline Credit Card convenient, it is almost a requirement for anyone who is traveling. Come home with the perfect souvenir for everyone so that they can experience your trip as well! You never know when you will need emergency funds if you are in a foreign country!
Well known credit card issuers such as Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express offer great plans on various airline credit cards. When researching which card is perfect for you, make sure that you take advantage of special offers that each one introduces to you such as 0% APR, reward plans, low rates on balance transfers and any other bonuses that will suit you.
Usually, airline credit cards allow you to collect points through time and use of the card at various locations. These points can then be redeemed for airmiles, or other traveling rewards such as hotel accommodation, travel insurance, cruises, and car rentals. Search carefully and you will find that some even offer double points! You could also take advantage of offers like free first class upgrades or free companion airfare.
When choosing an airline credit card, you can either get a credit card from your favorite airline or you can get a credit card with flexible rewards. An airline branded credit card usually has a great rewards program, but is limited to only that airline. A flexible rewards credit card can earn you trips on any airline with no blackout dates.
Even if you don't have a trip planned for anytime soon, make sure that you take advantage of these special Airline Credit Cards now. Earn points on your everyday purchases now.
Both Robert Alan & Rosanna Yee are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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