Chances are that if you're not from India or the Middle East, you've never heard of guggul. Guggul is a supplement widely used in India as a natural high cholesterol treatment. It is made of tree resin from the mukul myrrh tree that grows in India and the Middle East. In India, guggul is used to lower cholesterol in Ayurvedic medicine as well as in prescription medicine. India is where almost all the research on guggul for high cholesterol has been undertaken.
Guggul as High Cholesterol Treatment: The Evidence
Guggul has a long history of use as a natural treatment in India and other parts of Asia. What kinds of ailments has guggul been used to treat and prevent?
- arteriosclerosis and congestive heart failure
- obesity
- inflammation
- lung ailments
- skin ailments
- seizures
- stomach ulcers
- arthritis
- high cholesterol
Research studies in India have confirmed that guggul is often effective as a high cholesterol treatment, recording a range of responses for high cholesterol from 11 to 27 percent drops. Yet it is significant to note that the subjects in the Indian studies generally followed a low-fat, high-fiber, whole-grain, high-in-vegetables diet, unlike the standard American fare. In the single U.S. study on guggul for high cholesterol, when the subjects ate their usual high-fat, low-fiber, refined-flour, low-in-vegetables diet, and took guggul, it did not help in their high cholesterol treatment.
This evidence strongly suggests that we may need to try eating smarter to lower cholesterol naturally, and not just take Guggul on its own.
Smart Supplement Usage of Guggul
In the U.S. and elsewhere, guggul is sold over the counter. The recommended form of guggul to take is called guggulipid. Its use is increasing as a high cholesterol treatment in the West as people learn more about it.
Guggul is sometimes effective for treating high cholesterol caused by low thyroid levels. Low thyroid levels are a causative factor of high cholesterol. If you have low thyroid, have your doctor carefully monitor these levels if you are taking guggul.
Guggul can interfere with or sharply raise blood levels of medications such as diltiazem (Cardizem), propanolol (Inderal), statins, thyroid stimulating hormones, birth control pills, or blood thinners. Don't take guggul in pregnancy or with inflammatory bowel syndrome or liver disorders. Before you start mixing guggul with any other medication, check with your doctor.
If you have been diagnosed with mild to moderately high cholesterol and have not yet been prescribed medication to lower cholesterol, your doctor may approve guggul combined with lifestyle changes to lower cholesterol naturally. If you take medication to lower cholesterol, you will definitely need to check with your doctor before adding guggul to your regimen.
How Does Guggul Lower Cholesterol?
There are several possible mechanisms by which guggul treats high cholesterol. In studies in India, guggul lowered total cholesterol, LDL (?bad? cholesterol), and triglycerides (blood lipids). Some researchers believe it stimulates the thyroid to lower cholesterol. It is also believed that guggul may stimulate the liver to remove cholesterol from circulation in the bloodstream and thus lower cholesterol levels in the body.
Occasionally, people have a high cholesterol syndrome that does not respond to prescription medication, and the doctor is stumped about what to do. In India, if no contraindications apply, this kind of patient is often prescribed guggul and it is found effective. Guggul is also used to prevent high cholesterol. Consider discussing guggul with your doctor to lower cholesterol.
Alan Jackson Too Much Of A Good Thing
These days, supplements abound on the market, all touting the various health benefits that come with taking them regularly. Many people believe the hype and pop these supplements like candy. But as the saying goes, too much of a good thing is bad for you. Apparently, that saying applies to vitamins as well. In fact, the phenomenon of vitamin overdose is surprisingly little known for something that is as pervasive as the fad of taking all sorts of vitamin supplements. Unfortunately, these supplements not as regulated as other medications. Many overdose on vitamins because they don't understand what it is and the role it plays in the body.
Vitamins are substances found in the plants and animals that your body needs for normal function, growth, and health. The human body cannot manufacture these vitamins, and in some cases cannot store it in huge amounts. Each vitamin has a specific function, and they are involved in many processes that enable your body to use carbohydrates, fats and proteins for energy and repair. They can be classified into two categories: fat-soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed by the body using bile acids, and are stored until they are needed. Among these are vitamins A (retinol), D (calciferol, commonly referred to as the sunshine vitamin), K and E (tocopherol). Water-soluble vitamins are easily absorbed by the body, but it cannot be stored and all excess is quickly flushed out through urine. Among these are vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cyanocobalamin), C (ascorbic acid), H (biotin), and Folic Acid. If you have low levels of certain vitamins, regardless of whether it is a water-soluble or fat-soluble vitamin, you may develop a deficiency disease. Some of the more familiar vitamin deficiency diseases are rickets (lacking vitamin D), scurvy (lacking in vitamin C), pellagra (lacking in B3 or niacin), and beriberi (lacking in B1 or thiamine).
On the opposite end of the spectrum, multiple vitamin overdose is basically being poisoned by vitamins. This is most commonly observed in patients taking the fat-soluble vitamins A and D, as well as concentrating on a specific B vitamin. Obviously, this occurs when you have too much of a particular vitamin or number of vitamins, and the gravity of the overdose is largely determined from person to person, depending of their age and state of health. As with the overdose of any drug, the imbalance causes unwanted side effects that are potentially life-threatening. The most common symptoms of vitamin overdose are diarrhea, irritability, dehydration, decreased appetite, constipation, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms may disappear if the dosage is reduced.
However, in some cases, the overdose may greatly affect your overall health. For example, if you have a vitamin D overdose, this will cause the calcium levels in your blood to rise to toxic levels, causing damage to soft tissues, bones and kidneys, and possibly cause kidney stones to form. An overdose of vitamin A may cause liver problems, excessive skin dryness or peeling, coarse bone growths and reduced bone mineral density. Pregnant women must be especially careful not to overdose on vitamins because it may cause potentially serious birth defects.
The best way to get vitamins is through consuming nutritious food. To avoid a vitamin overdose, do not take more than the recommended daily dose of supplements. It would be wiser to consult a doctor before taking any vitamin supplement, especially if you are pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant, have a preexisting medical condition or are taking prescription medication regularly. Vitamin overdose is extremely preventable as long as you remember that everything must be take in moderation.
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