Alexander Michael Gittens belongs to the world of the arts. His musical prowess at such a young age has not gone unnoticed. The art world is one more wonderful with his coming in. His musical arrangements earned for him the accolade of the public. His peers recognized him as a leader by voting him conductor of their bands. Doing it was a move of confidence on the part of Alexander Michael Gittens.
His deeply rooted musicality made composing poetry as easy and simple as was doing his musical arrangements. Arrangements which made him won awards. It was his unique kind of arrangement that earned him standing ovations in every performance. And so does his poetry.
“What is this?" the title of his poem is a lamentation of a man for his love to a fading woman. Whether fading in physical attributes or in the drive to be alive, it is his to know. The question remains, what is this? Sometimes even how good a man can be, he still has some questions. He has some questions about life, about man and woman about being alive in the real sense of the word. What a man is most passionate about may not apply only to business drives. It can also be about the aspect of a man’s life that is totally different from business.
Alexander Michael Gittens life is made up of the arts and business. His art flourished when was in his young years. His entrepreneurial abilities also started young but continued to progress up to today. He never let go of this ability. Although his inclination to the arts can be gleaned from his poem, it is his being a businessman that has advanced through the years.
But there is no forgetting the beginning of it all. A toy piano that he was twiddling when he was 3 years old and later on gave a fantastic performance for his own musical arrangements. His originality and the commitment to be different surely brought him all the success he has undergone.
Alexander Michael Gittens has made a name for himself. To his peers and to his community he was a musical genius. Piano playing was his forte and so were the musical arrangements he made. Who can forget “It is well with my soul" and “How great Thou Art?" Particularly his own composition “Tweeleet" whose performance of which resulted in standing ovations? Those were unforgettable moments and experiences.
Then he moved on to doing original musical scorings and won an award hands down in the Sears Drama Festival. Aside from the piano he also played the Trombone. For such ability he became conductor if the Junior Band at their concert. He also accompanied the Jazz Band. He conducted great songs like “summertime" and “blue sky". During functions and meetings of the Durham Board of Education he was a mainstay rendering piano performances. As Alexander Michael Gittens moved on in life, he still enjoys playing the piano for his family during family gatherings and get-togethers.
Alexander Michael Gittens’ art form was dynamic and diverse. Creative and productive later on in life he wrote poetry. He could not just stay put and let such a talent waste. He used his talents to the fullest and his community and peers were the better for it.
"This article has been translated into English for the North America and UK audience."
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