Your dog is very important to you. For, this very reason you want to keep your dog in the best health. Grooming your dogs is the most important care you can give to your dog after you see to their basic needs. Dog grooming keeps their skin healthy, the dead hair away, and the matted hair down to a minimum. Think of grooming kind of like you would a horse. A horse needs to be brushed after you ride them to remove the dirt. A dog needs to be brushed every day to remove dead hair, matted hair, and the dirt. You will find a few tips on how to get your dog to cooperate.
First your dog needs to understand who the master is. They also need to enjoy the process. So you have to make it as painless as possible. You may teach them that there is a certain hour and place that grooming will occur on a daily basis. This helps with consistency and making sure they are understanding what you need from them.
Once they are cooperative you can start your daily examination. First you need to make sure there are no cuts, fleas, rashes or bumps. They may have other types of bugs hiding in their hair. Some dogs are more prone to diseases like cancer or skin rashes so you need to keep up with grooming to make sure they don't have anything you should seek a vet about.
During this process you will need to brush the dogs coat. Depending on the type of dog you have you will need to have a few different kinds of brushes. A fine tooth comb generally takes care of the bugs they may have.
If you are in a prime tick area you will also need to search their fur for the bugs. Ticks are one of the hardest bugs to get rid of because you need to use tweezers and even alcohol to remove them. Ticks bury their heads under the skin so just using tweezers may not be enough. Sometimes if you just pull gently back and forth to loosen the head and then pull firmly you can remove the tick without incident.
You will also need to check the ears, feet, and teeth daily. You are going to be looking for cuts, potential injuries, tumors, or other lumps during this process as well. You want to make sure, especially when left alone, that they did not get hurt. There are many dangers when you leave them alone in the backyard from sticks, bugs, and other things that could harm their thick skin.
Dogs love to chew on things and though their teeth are quite hard they still have problems with tooth decay and can harm their teeth. Part of the grooming process is making sure they get regular cleaning. You may brush their teeth at home and take them to the vet for teeth cleaning once a year. (Depending on vet recommendations)
Your dog's feet are also important. You will have to clip their nails every two to three weeks. You need the dog to be placid during the grooming so teach them to sit and lift their paw for you. That way you won't nip an area or clip too far down on the nail. You need to understand just where to cut. The dog has a blood supply to their nails, which if you clip with bleed and hurt the dog. Before clipping their nails make sure you know where the quick is, which is the nerve.
All Breeds Dog Grooming
One of the most painful and troublesome exercises includes dog grooming and skin care. Take your dog out for a grooming session is a real experience but then it is important to have them groomed so that their coat cat be protected, which in turn will protect their skin from fleas and other insects. Dogs are prone to different types of skin diseases and all this will happen if you don’t take care of their skin. A dog is like a child. Just the way you fall sick and need medical treatments and just the way you need to keep your hair and body clean; the same stands for your dogs too. They are prone to different types of diseases as well, and some of them can be life threatening. They also need a bath and grooming especially cutting their nails and cleaning their ears. Most of the dog infections start from their ears.
Dog care including grooming is not at all a simple task. You will need to know a lot many things about dogs before you can keep one as a pet. Dogs have regulated food habits; they have a personality, and their body has different sensory organs that need a lot of cleaning. Once every month is a must!
Dog grooming and skin care
The skin of all dogs is extremely sensitive. Hence you need to take proper care of their skin so that it is free of fleas and dandruff and should be healthy. You can achieve this by either taking your dog to a pet grooming center or the local vet or you can purchase different grooming items over the internet. For example, you can pick up a pet grooming brush online so that you can use it on a regular basis to keep his or her hair clean. You can even pick up a mini semilunar flea comb that is durable and has stainless steel teeth for effectiveness.
Here is some dog grooming tips:
* If you have a long haired dog then ensure that they are groomed every day but if you have a short-haired dog then once in a week will be fine.
* You can't groom your dog whenever you want instead try grooming when your dog is calm and you have enough time at your disposal. You need to make grooming a pleasurable experience for your dog as well as you. If you tempt your dog with a treat after every grooming session then in all probability you will never have a problem.
* If you have brought home a puppy of for example a German Shepherd Dog then you need to get him accustomed to grooming so that when he grows up, grooming will never be an issue for him. Always be gentle to the puppy as it will give him reassurance.
* There are some areas of his body that might be more sensitive and you need to keep that in mind while grooming. Be gentle whenever possible.
Here are some facts regarding brushing and combing:
* Brushing and combing on a regular basis will ensure that any loose hair is removed and the skin is free from any parasite, bacteria, fleas or other disease causing organism. You can even use natural oils to make the coat of your dog shiny. In order to remove hair entangles, you should ideally comb in the direction of the hair growth.
* You can use fine-toothed combs if your dog has a soft or silky coat. You can use a medium-toothed comb if your dog has a normal coat and wide-toothed combs if he has heavy or thick coat.
* Once in a while you should use flea combs for removing any parasites, dirt and fleas from his coat.
* You can even use a rake for removing the dead undercoat hair.
* Pin brushes that have rounded tips can be used to avoid any damage to his skin. These brushes are good for dogs with long hair like Terriers.
* You can use a Bristle brush if your dog has a long coat.
The skin of your dog will depend a lot on the type of food he eats. Ensure that dog food is nutritious and consist of essential vitamins and minerals that will help their skin to grow. A daily bath or a bath twice a week depending on the type of dog you have is necessary to keep their skin clean of any germs.
Both Gerry Ronson & Keith Jacobsen Sr. are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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