The retina is the layer of light-sensitive cells that lines the back of the eye, functioning much as the film does in a camera. The image lands on the retina, having been focussed by the lens. Impulses are then sent from cones and rods (specialist retinal cells), down the optic nerve to the part of the brain that processes images.
A retinal detachment occurs if the layer of light-sensitive cells is pulled away from the back of the eye. In animals, this problem tends to present late in the illness, as a dog or cat cannot let us know that some of their vision is impaired. Retinal detachments tend to be picked up only when there is significant visual loss, often affecting both eyes.
Once the layer of cells is no longer attached to the back of the eye, its blood supply can no longer bring nutrients and oxygen to it. This is why the retinal detachment tends to progress, and will worsen if not treated.
Causes of Retinal Detachment: Trauma; Inherited tendency; Congenital defects such as retinal dysplasia (seen in Labradors); Infection; Hypertension; Mature cataracts; Post-operative - any eye surgery; Poisoning; Hyperviscosity syndromes.
The detached retina takes longer to perish in dogs than in cats. Success of treatment depends on how bad the damage is, and how long it has been there. In some cases surgery is just not feasible.
Modern surgery involves the use of extreme cold or laser to stick parts of the retina back in position by producing scar tissue. This then allows the blood supply to re-establish.
It is essential that a vet sees any animal with a suspected retinal detachment urgently. Any additional treatment to that recommended by your vet should be complementary rather than alternative.
Complementary therapies:
Most complementary therapies that don't rely on musculoskeletal manipulation will help ease the anxiety of any sudden onset poor vision such as retinal detachment. Spiritual healing and Reiki will both help the animal to harness its own self-healing, improving the recovery rates from surgery, and even spontaneous recovery. Even where the illness ends in blindness, healing and meditation can help in the adjustment process. In addition, Bach Flower remedies can help when coping with change and with panic, while crystals can boost healing - I find blue lace agate helpful with eye problems.
For the best homeopathic and aromatic treatments for a particular animal, you are best asking for the advice from a qualified practitioner. Homeopathic practitioners look at the personality and environment of the animal, and include this information when selecting a remedy to suit its current circumstances. This is why a long consultation is needed to really get a good result.
With aromatics, the animal is offered several essential oils to choose from, and observed closely while it smells, licks its lips or turns away. The initial selection may be chosen on the basis of a combination of background knowledge (for example, that Neroli can help with separation from another animal or human, and that peppermint can help with nerve damage) and kinesiology or dowsing, and then the animal demonstrates his or her preferred options from there. Animals frequently benefit from a number of different aromatics, which the owner is encouraged to offer daily, while a single remedy is often chosen with homeopathy.
Retinal detachment is a rare problem in animals, but it is serious, and this article covers the various options open to the owner in managing it, from the necessity to call a vet urgently, to the ability to complement veterinary care and surgery with other modalities.
Copyright (c) 2008 The Naturally Healthy
All Cats And Dogs
You may already have a cat or a dog athome, and now you are looking for a new addition to the family. Don't thinkthat just because cats and dogs traditionally do not get along that you cannotbenefit from having the best of both worlds.
What is most important is the introduction.Also, both cats and dogs can be quite territorial, which will be a major factorin the new relationship between your two pets. It's best to introduce theanimals to each other when they are both still very young. The younger theyare, the better their relationship will be, and often cats and dogs can becomevery good companions.
If however, they are both mature animals,or one is older than the other, then this can be problematic. It is best tothen introduce the animals to each other very slowly and very gently. Give eachanimal equal attention, but be able to step in at any moment, should an animallose its head and attack.
If, for example, your cat were to lash outand scratch your new puppy, the puppy may well be afraid of cats forever, orresent the cat and chase it when the opportunity presents itself as the puppygrows older. Also, a snarling dog is terrifying to a new kitten and not a goodidea if you plan to have a content and happy house cat once day.
Sometimes, cats and dogs will divide theterritory available between them. For example; the cat may rule the house andthe dog will lie low when inside, while the dog will rule the yard and the catwill have to watch its back when taking a stroll outside.
With proper introduction and lots of equallove and attention, your pets will eventually learn to love, or at leasttolerate, each other. Remember to take out a good pet insurance policy foryour new pet, as this is another way of alleviating the financial strain oftaking on a new pet. Quick and easy pet insurance quotes canbe found online.
Both Alison Grimston & Simon are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Alison Grimston has sinced written about articles on various topics from Pets, Pregnancy Problems and Pets. Dr Alison Grimston is a holistic doctor and animal healer. If you are a pet owner or therapist, sign up for her free report on keeping your pet healthy naturally, by logging in at. Alison Grimston's top article generates over 1900 views. Bookmark Alison Grimston to your Favourites.
Simon has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home Improvement, Insurance and Adventure Travel. Direct Line offers great pet insurance premiums, so get your pet insurance quote online today.. Simon's top article generates over 165000 views. Bookmark Simon to your Favourites.
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