If you are truly allergic to alcohol then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies. Doctor Vincent Crump of the Auckland Allergy Clinic suggests that it is more often than not, the other ingredients that cause the allergic reaction such as yeast and sulphur dioxide instead of the alcohol itself.
It is unknown how may people suffer from allergies to alcohol products because many of the normal symptoms associated with drinking alcohol are also associated with allergic reaction. Redding of the skin on the face and neck, itchy eyes and nose, hives, loss of motor functions, vomiting, and eczema are typical reactions to the contents of wine and beer and also symptoms of allergic alcohol reactions.
Some people of Asian descent experience an unusual flushing reaction after ingestion of alcohol. This is believed to be cause by a genetic disorder. The body is unable to break down alcohol properly. It has been suggested that anyone who experiences a flushing reaction after drinking alcohol could be at risk for cancer of the esophagus, liver disease, and other alcohol-related conditions.
Sulphur Dioxide has been added to wines since the Roman times. Is inhibits yeast growth, preventing the wine from turning into vinegar thus giving wine a longer shelf life. Sulphur Dioxide also helps to give aged wine the its many distinct flavors. There are limits to the amount additional sulphur dioxide winemakers are permitted to add. Wines containing more that 25 parts per million of sulphur dioxide are required to be listed on the wine label.
Allergies to yeast found in wine and beer, although rare, may cause allergic reaction and is usually manifested in the form of hives.
Red wine contains more histamine than White wines. Taking antihistamines prior to drinking wines may help reduce the allergic effects of histamines. Fruit wines contain lower levels of histamines than wines made of grapes.
Egg white is commonly used in the fining process. Fining is the process where unwanted organisms are remove by the addition of egg whites or bentonite. The solids fall out of suspension and are removed, thus creating a clear wine. None of the egg white or bentonite is supposed to remain in the wine after the fining process is completed so egg whites and bentonite are not listed on the label as part of the wine ingredients.
If you are unsure what is giving you problems you could try the Food Challenge Test. Avoid all allergy causing foods and drinks for several weeks. The doctor will then give you a pill of each suspected agent one at a time under close supervision. If symptoms appear within two hours after the taking the pill then you are allergic to it and will need to avoid it.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.
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