I can't quite figure out why successful internet marketers would not want to create leverage through teaching and duplicating their success in others. As I continue to watch their efforts, they continually...build a list...sell to list...build a list...sell to list. However the funny thing is what they keep selling are one-time sales. No recurring sales or profits...which forces them to continue doing so, day in and day out....with no real end in sight.
This is not the most efficient way to do things in our industry.
Now don't get me wrong. You can make a lot of money online, once you've figured out how to properly build and maintain a list of subscribers the right way. Regardless of what you plan to sell, you can get interested people to subscribe to your list and then buy what you're selling.
So why choose one-time sale type products? It's easier...faster...more profitable.
In my eyes, I would still prefer to build a business where we gather a base of customers that purchase products or services on a recurring basis, which creates long-term wealth for you and your family. Especially if the customers love the products that you are marketing to a point where they will purchase that product or service with no other reason than how good it is and what it does for them.
And why not do both? If you are already successful in building lists, why not combine the power of list-building and referring to a product or service that includes recurring sales.
This is what I call intelligent Marketing. You want
to use an approach to business building where this
kind of concept is totally involved. A lot of
successful marketeres can proclaim that this approach
does definitely work.
The only way that you can find out if it works for you is to not be afarid to try it out.
At www.WriteYourCheck.com it is our combination of just that. We teach people step-by-step methods to build their lists, then we teach them how to make recurring sales to their lists and finally include a product or service provided by a third party company to use as the main focus of their business, to create long-term wealth.
Building Lists helps to create immediate cashflow & Build Long Term Wealth.
This approach is what should be properly taught on how to duplicate in my view.
Twanzell Williams has sinced written about articles on various topics from Affiliate Programs. Twanzell Williams is aNetwork Marketer whois sharing informationwith all Networkers onhow to create correctNetwork Marketing Success.You can visit his blog at htt. Twanzell Williams's top article . Bookmark Twanzell Williams to your Favourites.
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